Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 64173
Sustainable development in the Caribbean : from policies to people, In: The Caribbean environment, v.1, no.1, p. 50-53.
(, 2011-09-06)
Proposes that a sustainable livelihood approach can help to make sustainable development policies and programs become more closely related to the everyday lives of people in the Caribbean.
Leaving no one behind: how women seize control of wheat–maize technologies in Bangladesh
(Taylor & Francis, 2019)
Showing themselves: indigenous people, cultural heritage promotion and community development in Northern Argentina
(Routledge, 2020-05)
In this article I explore how the heritage discourse is mobilised and negotiated in the definition of subjects and criteria for the distribution of development resources in indigenous Northern Argentina. My emphasis is on ...
Gestão de pessoas:treinamento e desenvolvimento de pessoas em uma empresa supermercadista da cidade de Araguaína - TO.
(Universidade Federal do TocantinsAraguaínaCURSO::ARAGUAÍNA::PRESENCIAL::TECNÓLOGO::TECNOLOGIA EM LOGÍSTICAAraguaínaGraduação, 2023)
Psychology and Indigenous People
(Annual Reviews Inc., 2022)
© 2022 Annual Reviews Inc.. All rights reserved.Whether there are common features inherent to the psychology of Indigenous peoples around the globe has been the subject of much debate. We argue that Indigenous peoples share ...
The People's Health Movement: health for all now
We are moving away from the year 2000, and the goal of "health for all" remains distant. Economic globalization, which many consider to be one of the most serious threats to health, moves ahead, along with globalization ...
Del empoderamiento al emprendimiento: el poder personal, comunal, intercomunal y las redes para envejecer activamente
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2013)
En esta ponencia, las autoras, personas miembros de la Subcomisión de Persona Adulta Mayor, del Consejo Nacional de Rectores (CONARE), presentan una sistematización de lametodología utilizada en el trabajo que, desde el ...
Establishment of the broad outlines of state policy as a development
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Validation of a FFQ (Food Frequency Questionaire) for older people
Nutrition data for older adults is an area that has few studies mainly in Brazil. Due to the importance to know the behavior of this age group, the aim of this study was to develop and validate a frequency food questionnaire ...