Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 226
Pigmentation and not only sex and age of individuals affects despotism in the Andean condor
(Public Library of Science, 2018-10-24)
Attributes such as sex, age and pigmentation of individuals could correspond to the competitive skills they use to access resources and, consequently, determine their social status when a hierarchy of dominance is established. ...
Transición de la dictadura y refundación de la República Democrática
(UFG Editores, 2005)
The experts dedicated to the investigation and opinion, base their works in statistics And institutional banking information, they have the challenge to assimilate that the transition has arrived at a state exhaustion . ...
El reto de la democracia ante el despotismo : Benjamin Constant y Alexis de TocquevilleThe Challenge of Democracy to Despotism : Benjamin Constant and Alexis de Tocqueville
(Universidad de Antioquia, Instituto de Estudios PolíticosFilosofía PolíticaMedellín, Colombia, 2021)
O vício secreto: o perigo do despotismo na filosofia de Montesquieu
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2010-10-01)
This work aimed to analyse the despotic regime in the thought of Montesquieu. Throughout this research, we try to show that the despotic regime is easier to be accomplished than the moderate regimes. This occurs because ...
Nuestras tiranías. Tocqueville acerca del despotismo democrático
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo EditorialPE, 2018)
Illa se iactet in aula!
John Locke y la teoría del poder despótico
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2005)