Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 992
Antropologia, arquitetura e design: perspectivas antropológicas associadas a experiências projetuais colaborativasAnthropology, architecture and design: anthropological perspectives associated with collaborative projective experiences
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilCiências Sociais, 2021)
Anthropology Emeritus Lecture Series
(University of California Library, Berkeley, 2006)
The contributions of applied anthropology to peasant development
The present surge of interest in participative rural development projects based on peasant communities differs from similar past experiences in that it forms part of a broader tendency to decentralize social management, ...
Chapter 21 Legalities and materialities
This chapter reflects on what materiality-inflected methodologies1 can bring to an anthropology of law, and to legal studies more generally. Its starting point is an increasing attention across the social sciences and ...
A valorização da cultura negra por meio do design: uma aplicação na comunidade de Coqueiros/RN
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNDesign, 2021)
Antropología aplicada al diseño: un acercamiento metodológicoAnthropology applied to design: a methodological approach
(Innova Research Journal, 2019)
Five Qualitative Research Concepts Grounded in Anthropological Methods for Teaching Design in Healthcare
Biomedical engineering, engineering, and design in health programs around the world have involved human-centered design as part of their undergraduate curriculum. The disparities evidenced during the COVID-19 pandemic and ...
Anthropology applied to design: A methodological approachAntropología aplicada al diseño: Un acercamiento metodológico
(Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, extensión Guayaquil, 2018)