Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 19305
Emergency Department Information System Education and Training for Clinicians: Lessons Learned
Of all the potential barriers to a successful Electronic Health Record (EHR) adoption, the importance of training is often underestimated, potentially jeopardizing the implementation. Following best practices recommendations, ...
Census Information.
(Statistical Department, Ministry of Finance., 2011-09-06)
Identification of Petri net models based on an asymptotic approach
The identification problem considered in this work consists in compute an Interpreted Petri Net (IPN) model, in proportion as new output signals of the system are observed. The identification problem becomes complex when ...
Identification of Petri net models based on an asymptotic approach
The identification problem considered in this work consists in compute an Interpreted Petri Net (IPN) model, in proportion as new output signals of the system are observed. The identification problem becomes complex when ...
Informe anual 1947- 1948
(IICA, 1948)
This annual report specifies the activities and projects carried out by each department of IICA in the years 1948-49.
Fostering Astronomical Outreach At The Astronomy Department Of The University Of Concepcion
As the southernmost Astronomy Department in Chile, where the opportunities for the community of approaching science in general are scarce, we feel it is our duty to encourage people to think critically and to familiarize ...
Gestão de pessoas em departamento jurídico de empresas no Brasil
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEspecialização em Gestão EmpresarialUTFPR, 2018-03-05)
This study aims to analyze the role of people management in a legal department and how this management can influence the administrative decision making for the success of companies in Brazil. We collected some important ...
The Human Genome Project Information
(The Human Genome Program of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, 2006)