Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 379
Psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics on dental patients
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the contribution of demographic and clinical characteristics on the psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics of dental patients. Methods: The psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics ...
Malocclusion prevalence and comparison between the Angle classification and the Dental Aesthetic Index in scholars in the interior of São Paulo state - Brazil
Introduction: The malocclusions are among the main buccal health problems all over the world, together with dental cavity and periodontal disease. Several indexes are being used for malocclusion registration. The present ...
Necesidad de tratamiento ortodóncico según severidad de maloclusión en pacientes adultos
(Universidad de la República Uruguay. Facultad de Odontología, 2015-11)
Objetivo: Determinar la necesidad de
tratamiento ortodóncico según severidad
de maloclusión aplicando el Índice Estético
Dental (DAI) en pacientes adultos del
Hospital Universitario Odontológico de la
Facultad de ...
Dental aesthetics and self-esteem in adolescents.
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between dental aesthetics and self-esteem in
Methods: The sample was 387 randomly selected high school adolescents between 13 and 16 years ...
Validación de la sonda milimetrada como instrumento de medida del índice estético dental
(Universidad de la República de Uruguay. Facultad de Odontología, 2013-11)
Comparar los valores obtenidos
con sonda milimetrada y compás de punta
seca como instrumentos de medida en
la aplicación del Índice Estético Dental
(DAI). Metodología: En 50 pacientes mayores
de 12 años con dentición ...
Aesthetic treatment in grade three dental fluorosis of Thylstrup-Fejerskov index, using conservative methodsTratamiento estético en fluorosis dental grado 3 según índice Thylstrup y Fejerskov, mediante métodos conservadores
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Odontología, 2020)
Rehabilitating Form, Function and Natural Aesthetics with Onlay Ceramic IPS Empress Esthetic®: Evidence and Versatility
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2018)
Single implant placement in the maxillary aesthetic area with or without connective tissue grafting: A 1-year follow-up randomised clinical trial
(Quintessence Publishing Co Inc, 2022-03-01)
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of connective tissue graft on the soft tissue thickness and aesthetics around single implants placed in the aesthetic zone of the maxilla. Materials and methods: Forty-two patients with ...
Infiltrants for Aesthetic Treatment of White Spots Lesions by Fluorosis: Case Report
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2019)