Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 727
Radio and optical techniques for locating equatorial plasma irregularities
(University of Illinois, 2009)
Irregularities in the plasma density, especially dynamic, turbulent irregularities, may have profound effects on radio waves passing through the ionosphere. A class of these equatorial F-region irregularities is the subject ...
GPS and in situ Swarm observations of the equatorial plasma density irregularities in the topside ionosphere
(SpringerOpen, 2016-07-15)
Here we study the global distribution of the plasma density irregularities in the topside ionosphere by using the concurrent GPS and Langmuir probe measurements onboard the Swarm satellites. We analyze 18 months (from ...
Comparing F region ionospheric irregularity observations from C/NOFS and Jicamarca
(American Geophysical Union, 2009-07-11)
Observations of plasma density irregularities associated with equatorial spread F (ESF) have been made using the Jicamarca Radio Observatory and the Plasma Langmuir Probe (PLP) and Vector Electric Field Instrument (VEFI) ...
Magnetic aspect sensitivity of 3‐m F‐region field‐aligned plasma density irregularities over Jicamarca
(American Geophysical Union, 2011-10)
The magnetic aspect angle sensitivity of 3‐m plasma density irregularities in the F‐region ionosphere over Jicamarca has been measured during the passage of a radar plume in an equatorial spread‐F event. The measurement ...
Simultaneous 6300 Å airglow and radar observations of ionospheric irregularities and dynamics at the geomagnetic equator
(European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2018-03-22)
In March 2014 an all-sky imager (ASI) was installed at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory (11.95°S, 76.87°W; 0.3°S MLAT). We present results of equatorial spread F (ESF) characteristics observed at Jicamarca and at low ...
Qualidade do Solo em lixão Desativado no Município de Brejinho, RN
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNEngenharia Ambiental, 2017-06-13)
The generation of solid waste is inevitable. In all anthropic activities, the generation of undesirable by-products occurs. However, the destination of these by-products should meet the technical criteria and the capability ...
Combined radar observations of equatorial electrojet irregularities at Jicamarca
(European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2007-03-08)
Daytime equatorial electrojet plasma irregularities were investigated using five distinct radar diagnostics at Jicamarca including range-time-intensity (RTI) mapping, Faraday rotation, radar imaging, oblique scattering, ...
Simultaneous ground-based and in situ Swarm observations of equatorial F-region irregularities over Jicamarca
(European Geosciences Union, 2020-10-16)
Ionospheric irregularities are a common phenomenon in the low-latitude ionosphere. They can be seen in situ as depletions of plasma density, radar plasma plumes, or ionogram spread F by ionosondes. In this paper, we compared ...
First Jicamarca radar observations of two-stream E region irregularities under daytime counter equatorial electrojet conditions
(American Geophysical Union, 2002-12-27)
We report the first Jicamarca Radio Observatory (JRO) observations of two-stream irregularities under daytime counter equatorial electrojet (CEEJ) conditions, made with a VHF radar. This type of irregularity, although ...