Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 51
Historiographical Narratives and Demonological Representations. The Devil in the Cloisters of Viceregal Peru. 17th century
In seventeenth century Peru, which was characterized by an intense religiosity, virtuous men and women lived in a permanent confrontation with the devil that was understood as an expression of the conflict between Good and ...
Historiographical narratives and demonological representations. The devil in the cloisters of viceregal peru. 17th century
To accommodate the earthly kingdom to divine will: Official and nonconformist definitions of witchcraft in England (CA. 1542–1630)
(Penn State University Press, 2017-09)
This article compares and contrasts England’s first three Witchcraft Acts (1542, 1563, and 1604) with demonological treatises published by English theologians and clerics between 1580 and 1627 with the intention of ...
The last conspiracy: Sabbat, apocalypse, and anti-catholicism in english demonological treatises (C. 1587-1648)
(University of Pennsylvania, 2021-06)
The elaborated concept of witchcraft, one of the intellectual foundations of Early Modern European witch-hunts, has frequently been considered marginal or even absent from English elite demonological discourse, which was ...
Anjos rebeldes: relação existente entre textos bíblicos e a tradição dos vigilantes do judaísmo enoquita
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2017-03-28)
This project has the purpose of analyzing the relationship which exists between specific biblical texts and the Watchers tradition in Enochic Judaism. The Enochic tradition was born from reflections about the problem of ...
La monología imposible de la obra de teatro "El nica"
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2010)
Such fictitious evil spirits: Adriaan koerbagh’s rejection of biblical demons and demonic possession in a light shining in dark places (1668)
(MDPI AG, 2019-04)
This paper traces Adriaan Koerbagh’s interpretation of biblical devils and scriptural instances of demonic possession in his 1668 Een Ligt Schijnende in Duystere Plaatsen (A light shining in dark places). Koerbagh’s book ...
Possessão e exorcismo: os múltiplos aspectos de um fenômenoPossessão e exorcismo: os múltiplos aspectos de um fenômeno
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2015-05-25)
This work aims to present the phenomenon of possession and exorcism in the Judeo-Christian tradition throughout history; starting from the Jewish antiquity to the present day. Demonic possession, as well as the practice ...