Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 310
Irreducibility and compositeness in q-deformed harmonic oscillator algebras
(Kluwer Academic/plenum Publ, 2002-09-01)
A study of the reducibility of the Fock space representation of the q-deformed harmonic oscillator algebra for real and root of unity values of the deformation parameter is carried out by using the properties of the Gauss ...
Irreducibility and compositeness in q-deformed harmonic oscillator algebras
(Kluwer Academic/plenum Publ, 2002-09-01)
A study of the reducibility of the Fock space representation of the q-deformed harmonic oscillator algebra for real and root of unity values of the deformation parameter is carried out by using the properties of the Gauss ...
PBW deformations of a Fomin–Kirillov Algebra and other examples
(Springer, 2018-09-26)
We begin the study of PBW deformations of graded algebras relevant to the theory of Hopf algebras. One of our examples is the Fomin–Kirillov algebra E3. Another one appeared in a paper of García Iglesias and Vay. As a ...
Irreducibility and compositeness in q-deformed harmonic oscillator algebras
(Kluwer Academic/plenum Publ, 2014)
A distinguished example of filiform deformation
(World Scientific, 2020-09-27)
We exhibit the first example of a non-rigid complex filiform Lie algebra with all its codimension 1 ideals being characteristically nilpotent by constructing an explicit nontrivial filiform deformation of it.
Thermal properties of a solid through q-deformed algebra
(Elsevier, 2012-06-15)
PBW-deformations and deformations à la Gerstenhaber of N-Koszul algebras
(European Mathematical Society, 2014-07)
In this article we establish an explicit link between the classical theory of deformations à la Gerstenhaber (and a fortiori with the Hochschild cohomology) and (weak) PBW-deformations of homogeneous algebras. Our point ...
The Nash–Moser theorem of Hamilton and rigidity of finite dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras
(Elsevier Science, 2017-09)
We apply the Nash–Moser theorem for exact sequences of R. Hamilton to the context of deformations of Lie algebras and we discuss some aspects of the scope of this theorem in connection with the polynomial ideal associated ...