Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 58
Damage control surgical management of combined small and large bowel injuries in penetrating trauma: ¿Are ostomies still pertinent?
(Corporación Editora Medica Valle, Colombia, 2021)
Hollow viscus injuries represent a significant portion of overall lesions sustained during
penetrating trauma. Currently, isolated small or large bowel injuries are commonly
managed via primary anastomosis in patients ...
Intra-abdominal hypertension: Incidence and association with organ dysfunction during early septic shock
Purpose: The objective of this article is to study the cumulative incidence of intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) in septic shock (SS) patients during the first 72 hours of intensive care unit (ICU) admission and to determine ...
Intussuscepção ileocólica associada a torção mesentérica em um cão: Relato de caso
Mesenteric torsion is a rare disease in dogs whereas it is more common to affect large animals. The main clinical signs observed are acute, such as prostration and abdominal distension which evolve to a state of shock and ...
Histopathological and b-mode ultrasound characteristics in a primary canine duodenal adenocarcinoma - case report
(Univ Federal Rural Pernambuco, 2011-12-01)
Lower gastrointestinal tract neoplasms are rare in domestic animals, representing 3% of all biopsies and necropsies. Our objective is to describe the histopathological and B-mode ultrasound findings in a case of duodenal ...
Peritoneal response to abdominal surgery: the role of equine abdominal adhesions and current prophylactic strategies
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2014)
Intra-abdominal adhesions constitute a significant clinical and surgical problem that can lead to complications such as pain and bowel occlusion or subocclusion. These adhesions are frustrating and potentially fatal, ...
Pseudomyxoma peritonei secondary to cystadenocarcinoma on the cecal appendix. Clinical case Pseudomixoma peritoneal secundario a cistoadenocarcinoma del apéndice cecal. Caso clínico.
We report a 40 years old female that presented with an ovarian tumor and ascites. The exploratory laparotomy revealed a mucocele of the appendix that was informed as a cystadenoma of the appendix in the fast biopsy. The ...
Damage control in penetrating duodenal trauma: less is better
(Corporación Editora Medica Valle, 2021)
The overall incidence of duodenal injuries in severely injured trauma patients is between
0.2 to 0.6% and the overall prevalence in those suffering from abdominal trauma is
3 to 5%. Approximately 80% of these cases are ...
Pancreatic damage control: the pancreas is simple don’t complicate it
(Corporación Editora Medica Valle Univ Valle, 2020)
Pancreatic trauma is a rare but potentially lethal injury because often it is associated
with other abdominal organ or vascular injuries. Usually, it has a late clinical
presentation which in turn complicates the management ...