Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 162
Evidences of the Defect Pool Model in the dark J-V characteristics of hydrogenated amorphous silicon based p-i-n devices
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2008-04)
In the scientific literature the density of states of hydrogenated amorphous silicon has been assumed to be either uniform or spatially variable inside the intrinsic layer of p-i-n solar cells. The dependence of the dark ...
Evaluation of the characteristic curves of a-Si:H based devices with the Simmons-Taylor approximation when the defect pool model is used
(Wiley Vch Verlag, 2015-01)
The performance of a-Si:H devices is highly sensitive to the density of gap states: tail states are distributed in two exponentials and defect states are generated by dangling bonds (DB). The density of DB in a-Si:H can ...
Modeling a-Si:H p-i-n solar cells with the defect pool model
(Elsevier Science, 2004-06)
Using self-consistent computer modeling we find that the experimental current–voltage (J–V) and the spectral response (SR) characteristic curves of a-Si:H p–i–n solar cells can be fitted by either assuming a uniform density ...
Characteristic curves of hydrogenated amorphous silicon based solar cells modeled with the defect pool model
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2007-12)
Using the improved expression of the defect pool model proposed by Powell and Deane we match the experimental current–voltage and the spectral response characteristic curves of hydrogenated amorphous silicon solar cells. ...
Is my patient a bleeder? A diagnostic framework for mild bleeding disorders
Congenital mild bleeding disorders (MBDs) are very prevalent and are the source of frequent diagnostic problems. Most MBDs are categorized as disorders of primary hemostasis (ie, type 1 VWD and platelet function disorders), ...
Tibial segmental bone defect treated with bone plate and cage filled with either xenogeneic composite or autologous cortical bone graft
(Schattauer Gmbh-verlag Medizin Naturwissenschaften, 2007-01-01)
Tibia segmental defect healing in sheep were clinically, radiographically and histologically evaluated. Twelve young sheep aged four to five months were divided into two groups, G1 and G2. A 3.5 cm long segmental defect ...
Tibial segmental bone defect treated with bone plate and cage filled with either xenogeneic composite or autologous cortical bone graft
(Schattauer Gmbh-verlag Medizin Naturwissenschaften, 2007-01-01)
Tibia segmental defect healing in sheep were clinically, radiographically and histologically evaluated. Twelve young sheep aged four to five months were divided into two groups, G1 and G2. A 3.5 cm long segmental defect ...
Digital subtraction radiographic analysis of the combination of bioabsorbable membrane and bovine morphogenetic protein pool in human periodontal infrabony defects
(Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru - USP, 2013)
Folic acid flour fortification: Impact on the frequencies of 52 congenital anomaly types in three South American countries
(Wiley-liss, Div John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2010-10)
The aim of the present investigation was to search for a reduction in birth prevalence estimates of 52 selected types of congenital anomalies, associated with folic acid fortification programs in Chile, Argentina, and ...