Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 70
De Bruijn sequences and De Bruijn graphs for a general language
A de Bruijn sequence over a finite alphabet of span n is a cyclic string such that all words of length n appear exactly once as
factors of this sequence. We extend this definition to a subset of words of length n, ...
De Bruijn sequences and De Bruijn graphs for a general language
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2005-12-31)
A de Bruijn sequence over a finite alphabet of span n is a cyclic string such that all words of length n appear exactly once as factors of this sequence. We extend this definition to a subset of words of length n, ...
On extending de Bruijn sequences
(Elsevier Science, 2011-09)
We give a complete proof of the following theorem: Every de Bruijn sequence of order n in at least three symbols can be extended to a de Bruijn sequence of order n+1. Every de Bruijn sequence of order n in two symbols can ...
Minimum eulerian circuits and minimum de bruijn sequences
Completely uniformly distributed sequences based on de Bruijn sequences
(American Mathematical Society, 2020-04)
We study a construction published by Donald Knuth in 1965 yielding a completely uniformly distributed sequence of real numbers. Knuth's work is based on de Bruijn sequences of increasing orders and alphabet sizes, which ...
Minimal de Bruijn sequence in a language with forbidden substrings
Let be the following strategy to construct a walk in a labeled digraph: at each vertex, we follow the unvisited arc of minimum label. In this work we study for which languages, applying the previous strategy over the ...
Minimal Eulerian circuit in a labeled digraph
Let G = (V, A) be an Eulerian directed graph with an arc-labeling. In this work we study the problem of finding an Eulerian circuit of lexicographically minimal label among all Eulerian circuits of the graph. We prove that ...
De bruijn graph arcs
De bruijn graph arcs