Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 39299
Can standards-referenced, large-scale assessment data lead to improvement in the education system?
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2008)
This paper documents the development of performance standards for the Trinidad and Tobago primary school national assessments of educational achievement. Performance standards are written expectations of student achievement ...
SEONT: Semantics & mapping exercise to add structure to messy socio-economic dataWebinar- SEONT, the Socio-Economic Ontology
(CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture, 2021)
Biparental Data standardized data GY
(CIMMYT, 2014)
The effect of data standardization in cluster analysis
(Associa????o Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2019)
International standards and international trade evidence from Caricom economies
(Centro de Investigaciones Comerciales e Iniciativas Académicas, 2012)
An Efficient Probabilistic Methodology to Evaluate Web Sources as Data Source for Warehousing
Internet is the largest source of data and the requirement of data analytics have fueled the data warehouse to switch from structured conventional Data Warehouse to complex Web Data Warehouse. The dynamic and complex nature ...
Study of the Use of Data Mining in Modeling Non-standard Processes in a Higher Education Institution
Business process management (BPM) is an administration discipline to design, improve and manage processes, and consists of several phases. One of them is the modeling of the current process (as is), during which the process ...
Referral letters in oral medicine: standard versus non-standard letters
(Churchill Livingstone, 2002-10-01)
Usually referral letters are the only means of communication between general practitioners and specialists in the health area. However, they are inadequate if important basic data are omitted. The aim of this study was to ...