Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1365
Panorama in Danger
(Daily Express, 1-Feb-85)
With only one day to go before the preliminaries, Panorama 1985 is hanging in the balance once more. Representatives of about 100 steelbands have decided to withdraw from the show unless the Minister of Sport, Culture and ...
Pan is Not in Danger at UWI
(Trinidad Express, 25-Nov-94)
In a letter to the editor, Rawle Gibbons seeks the clarify the statement made by Pat Bishop in her address at the University graduation ceremony, which stated that “...not one single graduate of 1994 has qualified in any ...
Manejo de mercancías química peligrosas en Puerto Caldera, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
(Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica), 2004)
Puerto Caldera, ubicado en Puntarenas, Costa Rica, es uno de los puertos más importantes
de Centro América, a través de él se trasegaron S.6 millones de toneladas métricas de carga
de diferentes categorías durante el ...
Schools Steelband Festival: Merchant's 'Pan in Danger' is the Test Piece
(Newsday, 1-Oct-99)
Pan In Danger by Merchant (Dennis Franklyn) has been chosen as the test piece for the biennial Schools' Steelband Music Festival (Nov. 1999).
Manejo de Mercancías Químicas peligrosas en puerto Caldera, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.Manejo de Mercancías Químicas peligrosas en puerto Caldera, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.
(Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, 2016)
About the abstract-concrete danger crimes in the general doctrine of danger crimesSobre los delitos de peligro abstracto-concreto en la doctrina general de los delitos de peligroAcerca dos crimes de perigo abstrato-concreto na doutrina geral dos crimes de perigo
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021)
Lys49 myotoxins, secreted phospholipase A2-like proteins of viperid venoms: a comprehensive review
Muscle necrosis is a potential clinical complication of snakebite envenomings, which in severe cases can lead to functional or physical sequelae such as disability or amputation. Snake venom proteins with the ability to ...
Proteomic analysis of the mandibular glands from the Chinese crocodile lizard, Shinisaurus crocodilurus – another venomous lizard?
Based on its phylogenetic relationship to monitor lizards (Varanidae), Gila monsters (Heloderma spp.), and the earless monitor Lanthanotus borneesis, the Chinese crocodile lizard, Shinisaurus crocodilurus, has been assigned ...
Pan in Patent Danger
(Guardian, 28-Jul-11)
Pan inventor Jomo Wahtuse called on the Government to revoke the nation's highest award, which was given to G-Pan patent holder Professor Brian Copeland. In July, the Attorney General Anand Ramlogan announced that the ...