Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4675
Electrochemical investigations on the capacity of flavonoids to protect DNA against damage caused by textile disperse dyes
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-03-01)
In previous work, the interaction of DNA with the textile dyes Disperse Orange 1 (DO1) and Disperse Red 1 (DR1), and their electrolysis products, resulted in significant changes in the characteristic oxidation peaks of the ...
Conservation of the largest cervid of South America: interactions between people and the Vulnerable marsh deer Blastocerus dichotomus
(Cambridge University Press, 2017-07)
Wild ungulates, and particularly deer, can cause severe damage to commercial plantations, resulting in reduced tolerance of their presence by forestry producers. The marsh deer Blastocerus dichotomus, categorized as ...
Nonadditive effects of flower damage and hummingbird pollination on the fecundity of Mimulus luteus
(SPRINGER, 2006-10)
Flower herbivory and pollination have been described as interactive processes that influence each other in their effects on plant reproductive success. Few studies, however, have so far examined their joint effects in ...
A prognostics approach based on the evolution of damage precursors using dynamic Bayesian networks
(SAGE, 2016)
During the lifetime of a component, microstructural changes emerge at its material level and evolve through time.
Classical empirical degradation models (e.g. Paris Law in fatigue crack growth) are usually established ...
Evaluation of the coupled effect of strain localization and asymmetric damage distribution on rope response: numerical approach based on a nonlinear cable-beam element
(Elsevier, 2020)
In this paper, a numerical model to evaluate the impact of the presence of fractured rope components on the static response of ropes is presented. Specifically, the proposed model couples the effects of two phenomena that ...
Seismic risk assessment of human evacuations in buildings
(National Information Centre of Earthquake Engineering, 2017)
Major earthquakes may require people to evacuate immediately from buildings as recently observed in the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake in Chile. The building may suffer damage, thus affecting the evacuation process. Perhaps ...
Nurse effect in seedling establishment: facilitation and tolerance to damage in the Andes of central Chile
Nurse effects, which occur when one plant species enhances the survival or growth of another plant species, are predicted to be most relevant in stressful environments. These effects are particulary important during seedling ...
Natural fiber suspensions in thermoplastic polymers. I. analysis of fiber damage during processing
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2007-02)
The final properties of the composites materials are strongly dependent on the residual aspect ratio, orientation, and distribution of the fibers, which are determined by the processing conditions. Present work is a ...
Behaviour of tungsten in fusion environment: Damages by hydrogen
(International Journal of Science and Research, 2020-02)
The analysis of the interaction of hydrogen and their isotopes with tungsten is important, since this material is a strong candidate to form the first wall of fusion reactors for both magnetic and inertial confinement, and ...