Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 433
Estratégias de investimentos no mercado de ações através da análise Dupont: um estudo em companhias do setor de siderurgia e metalurgia
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFACE - FACULDADE DE CIENCIAS ECONOMICASCurso de Especialização em Contabilidade em Ifrs e ControladoriaUFMG, 2017-11-10)
This research had as objective the DuPont system analysis in order to investigate the returns on the capital invested. In addition, it was analyzed the variation of the average profitability of actions and compared with ...
Evaluación financiera de los créditos de consumo y su influencia en la rentabilidad mediante el sistema DUPONT, de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito segmento 2 zona 3, periodo 2016-2021.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2023-03-08)
The present research work conducted a financial evaluation of consumer loans and their influence on Profitability through the DuPont System, of the savings and credit cooperatives segment 2 zones 3, period 2016-2021, this ...
Factores determinantes de la rentabilidad empresarial del sector transporte en Colombia
(Universidad EAFITMaestría en Administración FinancieraEscuela de Economía y FinanzasPereira, 2021)
An evaluation of the determinants of financial profitability based on multivariate analysis, in companies in the road freight transport sector in Colombia during the 2016-2020 period. Transport is a strategic sector in the ...
Análisis del plan operativo anual de la Federación Deportiva Provincial de Bolívar, para determinar el cumplimiento financiero, aplicando el sistema DuPont, período 2019-2020.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2022-10-14)
The goal was to carry out a critical analysis of the Annual Operational Plan of the Provincial Sports Federation of Bolívar to determine financial compliance applying the DuPont System in the period 2019 - 2020. The research ...
Avaliação de desempenho de empresas investidas por private equity e seus gestores através do sistema DuPont
Private Equity investment, which has re-emerged in Brazil in 2005, appears as an alternative to diversify pension fund investments However, for this investment modality to be consolidated, it is necessary to evaluate the ...
Análisis de rentabilidad mediante el efecto DuPont en las empresas de transporte y almacenamiento de la ciudad de Cuenca, durante el periodo 2019
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2022-05-24)
The DuPont system configures its importance by including financial leverage,
the profit margin on sales and efficiency in the operation of assets to determine
the profitability of a company (Morales et al., 2017). The ...