Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 64
Geomorphic and vegetation changes in a meandering dryland river regulated by a large dam, Sauce Grande River, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2016-09)
This paper investigates post-dam geomorphic and vegetation changes in the Sauce Grande River, a meandering dryland river impounded by a large water-conservation dam. As the dam impounds a river section with scarce influence ...
Diatom-based inference model for conductivity reconstructions in dryland river systems from north Patagonia, Argentina
(Birkhauser Verlag Ag, 2021-07-21)
Dryland river systems support a diverse aquatic biota in semi-arid and arid landscapes, but they are increasingly vulnerable to natural and human impacts. This study provides the first modern diatom training set (n = 38) ...
Detecting inundation thresholds for dryland wetland vulnerability
(Elsevier, 2020)
Fluvial responses to external and internal forcing: Upper Holocene dynamics in a low latitude semi-arid region in South America
River streams are sensitive to environmental changes in drainage basins in response to external and internal forcing. These changes lead to drainage channel adjustments and may alter erosion-sedimentation cycles along ...
Meandering rivers in modern desert basins: Implications for channel planform controls and prevegetation rivers
The influence of biotic processes in controlling the development of meandering channels in fluvial systems is controversial. The majority of the depositional history of the Earth's continents was devoid of significant ...
Livestock Settlement Dynamics in Drylands: Model application in the Monte desert (Mendoza, Argentina)
(Elsevier Science, 2017-05)
Human settlements in arid environments are becoming widespread due to population growth, and without planning, they may alter vegetation and ecosystem processes, compromising sustainability. We hypothesize that in an arid ...
La perforación en la trama del poder: El agua subterránea en la producción agroindustrial de Mendoza, ArgentinaDrilling in the net of power: The groundwater in the agroindustrial production of Mendoza, Argentina
(Latin American Studies Association of Korea, 2015-08)
En el presente artículo nos proponemos poner de manifiesto de qué manera el agua subterránea se inscribe en la trama del poder en el oasis del río Mendoza en Argentina. En primer término, describiremos sucintamente las ...
Archaeological site formation processes in northwestern Patagonia, Mendoza Province, Argentina
(John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2017-11)
The Cañadón Amarillo area in northwestern Patagonia (Mendoza Province, Argentina) presents a rich archaeological record contained within thick successions of fine-grained deposits with well-constrained chronological and ...
Global Environmental Change, Culture and Development: Rethinking the Ethics of Conservation
(Common Ground Publishing, 2011-12)
Expected changes in climate and hydrology in Latin American drylands are likely to affect drinking and irrigation water availability, threatening productive systems and the subsistence of some rural dwellers. Research on ...
Avulsions drive ecosystem services and economic changes in the Brazilian Pantanal wetlands
The Pantanal wetland is a mosaic of landscapes that brings together rich biodiversity with the valuable activities of fishing, tourism and ranching. Human occupation and land use in the headwaters have intensified the rate ...