Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 429
Cost-effectiveness analysis comparing intensity-modulated radiotherapy with conformational radiotherapy (3D-RT) for prostate cancer in the brazilian health system
OBJECTIVE: The intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) has been established as the standard external-beam radiation technique to treat prostate cancer in several countries. In Brazil, the public health system and the ...
Equipe visitando a biblioteca do CCSA
(Memorial Denis Bernardes, 2018)
Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive Transport Systems
(IEEE, 2015)
Demand-responsive transport (DRT) systems provide
flexible transport services for passengers who request
door-to-door rides in shared-ride mode without fixed routes and
schedules. DRT systems face interesting coordination ...
DRT embarga obra do metrô em SP
Rescisões aumentam 15% na drt antes da carta
PF desativa rede de fraudes na DRT
Imrt Delivers Lower Radiation Doses To Dental Structures Than 3drt In Head And Neck Cancer Patients
(Biomed Central LtdLondon, 2016)