Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 868
DNA array analysis for red blood cell antigens facilitates the transfusion support with antigen-matched blood in patients with sickle cell disease
(Wiley-blackwell Publishing, IncMaldenEUA, 2009)
Evaluation of a plasmid-based 16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer region array for analysis of microbial diversity in industrial wastewater
(Elsevier Science, 2004-04)
A plasmid-based 16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer region (ISR) array was developed and optimized for analysis of microbial diversity within complex environmental samples. Plasmid probes with 16S–23S rDNA ISR inserts (800-1500 ...
Evaluation of the HIrisPlex-S system in a Brazilian population sample
The main goal of DNA phenotyping is to predict externally visible characteristics (EVCs) of an individual using only its genetic information. Nowadays, the HIrisPlex-S system stands as a reliable model designed for skin ...
Isolation and characterization of Coffea genes induced during coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffeella) infestation
(Elsevier Ireland LtdClareIrlanda, 2005)
Two 5S rDNA arrays in Neotropical fish species: is it a general rule for fishes ?
(Kluwer Academic Publ, 2001-01-01)
In this paper we describe Southern blot hybridization results probed with 5S rRNA genes for several Neotropical fish species representing different taxonomic groups. All the studied species showed a general trend with the ...
Two 5S rDNA arrays in Neotropical fish species: is it a general rule for fishes ?
(Kluwer Academic Publ, 2001-01-01)
In this paper we describe Southern blot hybridization results probed with 5S rRNA genes for several Neotropical fish species representing different taxonomic groups. All the studied species showed a general trend with the ...
Optimal clone identifier based on dynamic rules and process algebra
The rule creation to clone selection in different projects is a hard task to perform by using traditional implementations to control all the processes of the system. The use of an algebraic language is an alternative ...