Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 81
Pitching a new angle on elephant seal dive patterns
(Springer, 2011-08)
Elephant seals are one of the most proficient diving mammals in the world and are also one of the most studied. However, their long periods at sea and pelagic habits make research into their foraging ecology particularly ...
Diving patterns of breeding female rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome): Noir Island, Chile
(Springer, 2009-12)
The diving behaviour of female southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) was studied at Noir Island (54°30′S-73°00′W), Chile, in the southeast Pacific Ocean. This isolated island is located at the edge of the ...
Persistence in diving American mink
(Springer, 2015-08)
Background: American mink forage on land and in water, with aquatic prey often constituting a large proportion of their diet. Their long, thin body shape and relatively poor insulation make them vulnerable to heat loss, ...
Options for modulating intra-specific competition in colonial pinnipeds: the case of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in the Wadden Sea
(PeerJ, 2015-06)
Colonial pinnipeds may be subject to substantial consumptive competition because they are large, slow-moving central place foragers. We examined possible mechanisms for reducing this competition by examining the diving ...
Multiple forging strategies in a marine apex predator, the Galapagos sea lion Zalophus wollebaeki
(Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2008)
Three fundamental foraging patterns in air-breathing marine vertebrates have been described: epipelagic, mesopelagic and benthic. Many sea lion species with access to extensive continental shelves have been described as ...
Leg rings impact the diving performance of a foot-propelled diver
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2021-07)
Leg rings are frequently used to mark aquatic birds in order to identify individuals, and study population dynamics and migration patterns, with the proviso being that the rings should not affect the birds. The effects of ...
Diving behaviour of the critically endangered tope shark Galeorhinus galeus in the Natural Reserve of Bahia San Blas, northern Patagonia
(BioMed Central, 2014-07)
Background:Tope sharks (Galeorhinus galeus) aggregate in large numbers during spring and summer in closedgulfs and bays in northern Patagonia; these locations are considered the main nursery areas for the species.However, ...
Home range and diving behaviour of Heaviside's dolphins monitored by satellite off the west coast of South Africa
(Natl Inquiry Services Centre Pty Ltd, 2014-09)
Three Heaviside’s dolphins Cephalorhynchus heavisidii were fitted with satellite depth recorders off the west coast of South Africa during February–April 1997 and monitored for 51, 73 and 130 ...
Sexual differences in the foraging behaviour of Magellanic Penguins related to stage of breeding
(Csiro Publishing, 2012-05)
Understanding the foraging behaviour of seabirds and its plasticity is vital to establish their role in marine food webs and their use as indicators of change in the availability of prey. The foraging behaviour of penguins ...