Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 290
Best approximation by diagonal compact operators
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2013-09)
We study the existence and characterization properties of compact Hermitian operators C on a Hilbert space H such that the norm of C is less or equal to that of C + D , for all the real and compact diagonals D in a fixed ...
The C*-algebra of compact perturbations of diagonal operators
(Element, 2021-05)
We study the C* -algebra D+K which consists of sums of a diagonal plus a compact operator. We describe the structure of the unitary group, the sets of ideals, automorphisms and projections.
Optimal Quasi-diagonal Preconditioners for Pseudodifferential Operators of Order Minus Two
We present quasi-diagonal preconditioners for piecewise polynomial discretizations of pseudodifferential operators of order minus two in any space dimension. Here, quasi-diagonal means diagonal up to a sparse transformation. ...
Diagonalization of shift-preserving operators
(Elsevier, 2021-10-08)
In this note we study the structure of shift-preserving operators acting on a finitely generated shift-invariant space. We define a new notion of diagonalization for these operators, which we call s-diagonalization. We ...
On restricted diagonalization
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2021-06)
Let H be a separable infinite-dimensional complex Hilbert space, B(H) the algebra of bounded linear operators acting on H and J a proper two-sided ideal of B(H). Denote by UJ(H) the group of all unitary operators of the ...
Best approximation by diagonal operators in Schatten ideals
(Elsevier Science Inc., 2021-07)
If X is the set of compact or p-Schatten operators over a complex Hilbert separable space H, we study the existence and characterization properties of Hermitian A∈X such that |||A|||≤|||A+D|||,for allD∈D(X) or equivalently ...
Diagonal multilinear operators on Köthe sequence spaces
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2019-02)
We analyse the interplay between maximal/minimal/adjoint ideals of multilinear operators (between sequence spaces) and their associated Köthe sequence spaces. We establish relationships with spaces of multipliers and apply ...
Optimal Quasi-diagonal Preconditioners for Pseudodifferential Operators of Order Minus Two
We present quasi-diagonal preconditioners for piecewise polynomial discretizations of pseudodifferential operators of order minus two in any space dimension. Here, quasi-diagonal means diagonal up to a sparse transformation. ...
Diagonal extendible multilinear operators between Lp-spaces
(Real Acad Ciencias Exactas Fisicas & Naturales, 2014-09)
We study extendibility of diagonal multilinear operators from Lp to Lq spaces. We determine the values of p and q for which every diagonal n-linear operator is extendible, and those for which the only extendible ones are ...