Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 5
Tolerance to partial and complete submergence in the forage legume Melilotus siculus: An evaluation of 15 accessions for petiole hyponastic response and gas-filled spaces, leaf hydrophobicity and gas films, and root phellem
(Oxford University Press, 2019-01)
• Background and Aims: Submergence is a severe stress for most plants. Melilotus siculus is a waterlogging- (i.e. root zone hypoxia) tolerant annual forage legume, but data were lacking for the effects of partial and full ...
No escape? Costs and benefits of leaf de-submergence in the pasture grass Chloris gayana under different flooding regimes
(Csiro Publishing, 2017-08)
Elongation-induced leaf emergence is one way for plants to deal with complete submergence by 'escaping' from water. This growth strategy is hypothesised to be more beneficial under single long-term submergence than under ...
Different strategies of Lotus japonicus, L. corniculatus and L. tenuis to deal with complete submergence at seedling stage
(Wiley, 2012-03)
Two main strategies allow plants to deal with submergence: (i) escape from below water by means of shoot elongation, or (ii) remaining quiescent under the water until water subsides and then resume growth. We investigated ...
Increasing defoliation frequency constrains regrowth of the forage legume Lotus tenuis under flooding: The role of crown reserves
(Springer, 2011-06)
Repeated defoliation and flooding trigger opposite plant morphologies, prostrated and erect ones, respectively; while both induce the consumption of carbohydrate reserves to sustain plant recovery. This study is aimed at ...
Eco-physiological traits related to recovery from complete submergence in the model legume Lotus japonicus
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020-04)
Submergence is a severe form of stress for most plants. Lotus japonicus is a model legume with potential use in assisting breeding programs of closely related forage Lotus species. Twelve L. japonicus genotypes (10 recombinant ...