Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 707
Where are socioeconomically deprived immigrants located in Chile? A spatial analysis of census data using an index of multiple deprivation from the last three decades (1992-2012)
(PLoS, 2016)
Introduction and Purpose of the Study
Immigrants in Chile have diverse characteristics and include socioeconomically deprived populations. The location of socioeconomically deprived immigrants is important for the ...
Where are socioeconomically deprived immigrants located in Chile? A spatial analysis of census data using an index of multiple deprivation from the last three decades (1992-2012)
(PLoS, 2016)
Introduction and Purpose of the Study
Immigrants in Chile have diverse characteristics and include socioeconomically deprived populations. The location of socioeconomically deprived immigrants is important for the ...
On the interaction between focus and distributional properties in multidimensional poverty measurement
(Springer Netherlands, 2019-04-10)
In the multidimensional poverty measurement literature, most measures satisfy the deprivation focus property, which means that they disregard any improvement in non-deprived achievements. Such measures cannot satisfy strong ...
Is maternal deprivation the root of all evil?Is maternal deprivation the root of all evil?
(Universidad del Rosario, 2009)
In this paper we seriously entertain the question, “Is maternal deprivation the root of all evil?” Our consideration of this question is broken down into three parts. In the fi rst part, we discuss the nature of evil, ...
Relative deprivation and risky behaviors
(Universidad de Montevideo, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Economía, Departamento de Economía, 2013)
Relative deprivation has been associated with lower socialand job satisfaction as well as adverse health outcomes. Using Add Health data, we examine whethera student’srelative socioeconomic status (SES)has a direct effect ...
Relative deprivation and economic aspiration : evidence on aspiration failure for a developing country
(Udelar. FCS, 2017)
This paper contributes new evidence on the role of relative deprivation and Locus of control (LOC) in income aspiration formation, empirically exploring the validity of the assumptions used by Genicot and Ray (2014) to ...
Between Bureaucratic Inertias and Evaluations of Families: Adolescents Deprived of Their Liberty in Buenos Aires, Argentina
This article seeks to contribute to the discussions that intersect population government debates with processes of state reproduction of inequality. Analyzing judicial files of criminal cases followed towards adolescents ...
Rights of urban children
(ECLACUNICEF, 2013-09)
Urban children in Latin AmericaThis issue of Challenges addresses a topic deserving of special attention: the high proportion of children and adolescents in the region's urban areas who live in precarious conditions. Their ...