Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1451
Comparación empírica entre el modelo de inventarios de revisión continua (ROP, Q) y el modelo Demand Driven
(Universidad EAFITMaestría en IngenieríaEscuela de IngenieríaMedellín, 2021)
Diseño del proceso de reconciliación táctica entre el modelo operativo y el proceso de planeación de ventas y operaciones a medianos plazo por medio de la metodología Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE)
(Universidad EafitMaestría en Gerencia Integral por ProcesosEscuela de Administración. Departamento de Organización y GerenciaMedellín, 2020)
Agriculture Vulnerability to Climate Change in a Snowmelt-Driven Basin in Semiarid Chile
The Limari River basin is one of the most important watersheds in north-central Chile (30 S). Its headwaters lie at the top of the subtropical Andes (> 5; 000 m above sea level) and the river flows westward into the Pacific ...
Blockchain-Driven on-Demand Control Loops Over Iot EnvironmentsBlockchain-Driven on-Demand Control Loops Over Iot Environments
(IEEE, 2019)
The feedback control loop is the atomic unit in a control system. Typically, feedback control loops are rigid objects that involve a dynamical system, or plant, which has a set of its output states measured by dedicated ...
Towards assessing the electricity demand in Brazil: Data-driven analysis and ensemble learning models
The prediction of electricity generation is one of the most important tasks in the management of modern energy systems. Improving the assertiveness of this prediction can support government agencies, electric companies, ...
“DEMAND DRIVEN” Una respuesta a la gestión de la variabilidad de las organizaciones
Una metodología que ha venido tomando fuerza en el entorno industrial, productivo y de servicios es el demand driven forecasting, esta herramienta permite a las organizaciones ejecutar la planeación de los inventarios a ...
An event-driven simulator for multi-line metro systems and its application to Santiago de Chile metropolitan rail network
(ELSEVIER, 2011)
Metros are the principal means of public transportation in many of the world s cities and continue to grow in the face of rising demand Expanding metro infrastructure is costly however and at a certain point becomes ...
Assessing the impact of Volatile Functionality removal in web applications: Model-Driven vs Code-Based approaches
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018-01)
Web applications must quickly adapt to new business demands to keep clients onboard. When unexpected and unforeseen requirements appear, the changes pose challenges to software engineers as they were not considered in the ...