Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2884
Impact of demand response resources on unit commitment and dispatch in a day-ahead electricity market
(Elsevier, 2015-06)
Demand response (DR) has recently become an important resource in both system operation and market operation. The focus of this paper is to investigate and quantify the cost impact of various demand response modelings on ...
Distribution Systems Resilience Improvement Utilizing Multiple Operational Resources
This paper presents a strategy based on mixed-integer linear programing (MILP) model to improve the resilience in electric distribution systems (EDSs). The restoration process considers operational resources such as the ...
Optimal scheduling of commercial demand response by technical virtual power plants
The trend towards a decentralized, decarbonized, and digital energy system is gaining momentum. A key driver of this change is the rapid penetration increase of Distributed Energy Resources (DER). Commercial consumers can ...
Coordination of DERs and Flexible Loads to Support Transmission Voltages in Emergency Conditions
The large-scale integration of renewable generation and the gradual decommissioning of conventional power plants has led to decreased availability of resources for providing services and support to the bulk transmission ...
Improving the hosting capacity of photovoltaic distributed generators in low voltage distribution systems by using demand response
In this paper real data from a smart grid deployment project were used to analyze low voltage distribution systems with different levels of photovoltaic distributed generation penetration, smart metering and then we discuss ...
Improving the hosting capacity of photovoltaic distributed generators in low voltage distribution systems by using demand response
(Ieee, 2017-01-01)
In this paper real data from a smart grid deployment project were used to analyze low voltage distribution systems with different levels of photovoltaic distributed generation penetration, smart metering and then we discuss ...
Demand in the electricity market: analysis using big data
(Universidad de la Costa, 2020)
Estrategias para incentivar la respuesta de la demanda en Colombia por parte de los agregadores de demanda a partir del análisis de mercados de energía internacionales
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaMedellín - Minas - Maestría en Ingeniería - Sistemas EnergéticosFacultad de MinasMedellín, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín, 2022-11)
En Colombia actualmente existe un único programa de respuesta de la demanda (RD), el cuál es la demanda desconectable voluntaria (DDV). En este trabajo final de maestría se analizan programas de RD en Colombia y en países ...