Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1068
Proportion of oleic acid in olive oil as influenced by the dimensions of the daily temperature oscillation
(Elsevier Science, 2018-01)
Olive fruit dry weight, oil concentration and the proportions of individual fatty acids in the oil are influenced by environmental variables, such as ambient temperatures, between flowering and harvest. An increase in mean ...
A cautionary note on the computation of daily mean temperatures and their trends
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2017-07)
There are different methodologies to compute daily mean temperatures (DMT), including averaging the 24-hourly temperature values, readings at specific times throughout the day or simply averaging the minimum and maximum ...
Effect of environmental daily temperature fluctuations over one year storage on the prediction of non-enzymatic browning in reduced-moisture foods stored at “ambient” temperature
Abstract: Non-enzymatic browning predictions in reduced-moisture foods stored over one year at “ambient” temperature, were made using, a) realistic environmental daily (and seasonal) temperature fluctuations, and b) a ...
Surface circulation types and daily maximum and minimum temperatures in southern La Plata Basin
(Amer Meteorological Soc, 2013-06)
La Plata Basin is one of the most important agriculture and hydropower producing regions worldwide. Extreme climate events such as cold and heat waves and frost events have a significant socio-economic impact. This work ...
Statistical downscaling of daily precipitation and temperatures in southern La Plata Basin
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018-04)
La Plata Basin has a considerable socio-economic value, being one of the most important agricultural and hydropower-producing regions in the world. In this region, there is increasing evidence of a changing climate with ...
Impact of daily variable temperatures in life-history traits of tropical anurans
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2017)
Uma experiência com modelo estatístico (MOS) para a previsão da temperatura mínima diária do ar
A MOS (Model Output Statistics) multiple regression equation for the prediction of daily minimum air temperature at the city of Bauru, in São Paulo State, is developed. The multiple regression equation, obtained using ...
Thermal performance curves under daily thermal fluctuation: A study in helmeted water toad tadpoles
Most research in physiological ecology has focused on the effects of mean changes in temperature under the classic "hot vs cold" acclimation treatment
Association between ambient temperature and COVID-19 infection in 122 cities from China
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a severe public health problem globally. Both epidemiological and laboratory studies have shown that ambient temperature could affect the transmission and
survival ...
The effect of simulated heat-shock and daily temperature fluctuations on seed germination of four species from fire-prone ecosystems
(Soc Botanica Brasil, 2016-07-01)
Seed germination in many species from fire-prone ecosystems may be triggered by heat shock and/or temperature fluctuation, and how species respond to such fire-related cues is important to understand post-fire regeneration ...