Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6903
Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Carlos Alberto Seguín Mental test to the Quechua Huancavelican LanguageTraducción y adaptación cultural del examen mental de Carlos Alberto Seguín para el idioma quechua huancavelicanoTradução e adaptação cultural do exame mental do Dr. Carlos Alberto Seguín para o idioma quíchua de Huancavelica
(Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, 2021)
Las representaciones sociales de las enfermedades mentales en mujeres de Ayacucho, Perú
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020-11-06)
El objetivo del presente estudio fue explorar las representaciones sociales de las enfermedades mentales en mujeres de Ayacucho, Perú. Para ello, se realizó una investigación cualitativa que utilizó 5 entrevistas ...
Global Mental Health and systems of diagnostic classification: clinical and cultural perspectives
(Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética Universidad de Chile, 2016)
Historical and conceptual aspects of Global Health and Global Mental Health are examined and topics such as resources, professional and social attitudes toward mental disorders, the multidimensional experience of getting ...
Inequities in mental health and mental healthcare between international immigrants and locals in Chile: a narrative review
Mental health in a context of international migration is a particularly pressing issue, as migration is recognised as a social determinant of physical and mental health. As Chile is increasingly becoming a receiving country ...