Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 187
The decision of farmers from the tropical region of cochabamba in bolivia to cultivate coca instead of state-recommended alternative products
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Agronomía, Centro Editorial, 2006)
Despite national coca cultivation having been prohibited from 1973 onwards and the rapid reduction of coca plantations up to 2000, coca is still being cultivated in the tropical region of Cochabamba. Technical and economic ...
Peru: cultivo de coca, cocaína e combate ao narcotráfico
The article presents one brief analysis on the current situation of the cultivation of coca, production of cocaine and fighting drug trafficking in Peru.
Coca cultivation and crop eradication in Colombia: The challenges of integrating rural reality into effective anti-drug policy.Coca cultivation and crop eradication in Colombia: The challenges of integrating rural reality into effective anti-drug policy.
(International Journal of Drug PolicyRegularInternational Journal of Drug Policy, 2016)
The Effect of Interdiction on Coca Cultivation in Colombia
(Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE, 2019)
his paper studies the effect of interdiction on coca cultivation in Colombia. Though directed against intermediate and final stages of cocaine production, this strategy could also have an impact on coca cultivation by ...
Transformación de la hoja de coca (erythroxylum coca lamarck) en pan para consumo humano y su impacto socio económico - ambiental en las ciudades del alto huallaga
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2016)
A system dynamics approach to the study of Colombian coca cultivation and the counter-intuitive consequence of law enforcement
A large-scale expansion of the Colombian coca cultivation is one of the most revealing signs of a structural
change in the illegal cocaine market in the Andean region. From being a modest and domestic production,
in the ...
Prejudices and the psychiatric version of Andean cokingPrejuicios y versión psiquiátrica del coqueo andino
(Fondo Editorial UNMSMFondo Editorial UNMSM, 1986)
Hoja de coca y la Estrategia Nacional de Lucha contra las Drogas 2007-2011: el problema público en el control de cultivosFolha da coca e a Estratégia Nacional da luta contra as drogas 2007-2011: O problema publica no controle de cultivosCoca leaf and the national strategy to combat drugs 2007-2011: The public issue in controlling cultivation
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2015)