Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14
Exploiting knowledge of jump-up and jump-down frequencies to determine the parameters of a Duffing oscillator
This work concerns the application of certain non-linear phenomena - jump frequencies in a base-excited Duffing oscillator - to the estimation of the parameters of the system. First, approximate analytical expressions are ...
Wave reflection at the end of a waveguide supported by a nonlinear spring
(European Assoc Structural Dynamics, 2014-01-01)
The way in which a nonlinear spring affects the reflection coefficients at the end of a rod and a beam is investigated in this paper. The specific type of nonlinearity considered is of the hardening and softening Duffing-type, ...
Wave reflection at the end of a waveguide supported by a nonlinear spring
The way in which a nonlinear spring affects the reflection coefficients at the end of a rod and a beam is investigated in this paper. The specific type of nonlinearity considered is of the hardening and softening Duffing-type, ...
Wave reflection at the end of a waveguide supported by a nonlinear spring
(European Assoc Structural Dynamics, 2015)
Wave reflection at the end of a waveguide supported by a nonlinear spring
(European Assoc Structural Dynamics, 2015)
Optimization of Axial Vibration Attenuation of Periodic Structure with Nonlinear Stiffness without Addition of Mass
We explore the vibration attenuation of a periodic structure when one absorber with nonlinear cubic stiffness is included without increasing the total mass. Metastructures, and specifically periodic structures, present ...
On the effects of system parameters on the response of a harmonically excited system consisting of weakly coupled nonlinear and linear oscillators
(Academic Press Ltd Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2011-08-01)
This paper discusses the dynamic behaviour of a nonlinear two degree-of-freedom system consisting of a harmonically excited linear oscillator weakly connected to a nonlinear attachment having linear and cubic restoring ...
On the effects of system parameters on the response of a harmonically excited system consisting of weakly coupled nonlinear and linear oscillators
(Academic Press Ltd Elsevier B.V. Ltd, 2011-08-01)
This paper discusses the dynamic behaviour of a nonlinear two degree-of-freedom system consisting of a harmonically excited linear oscillator weakly connected to a nonlinear attachment having linear and cubic restoring ...
Otimização de uma metaestrutura com rigidez não linear para atenuação de vibração axial
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2020-02-21)
O objetivo deste trabalho é explorar a atenuação da vibração de uma metaestrutura por meio da adição de absorvedores de forma periódica. Além disso é explorada a atenuação da vibração de uma metaestrutura quando um absorvedor ...
Identification of annular gas seal coefficients, rotorstator contact, and nonlinear analysis of a rotordynamic systemIdentificação coeficientes de selos de gás anulares, contato rotor-estator e analise não-linear de um sistema rotodinâmico
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilInstituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de EngenhariaPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia MecânicaUFRJ, 2021)