Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 62
Orbital Instability Of Standing Waves For The Quadratic-cubic Klein-gordon-schrodinger System
Condensation of classical optical waves beyond the cubic nonlinear schrodinger equation
O problema de Cauchy para a equação da onda cúbica
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Matemática - PPGM, 2011-05-27)
In this work, we study the result of global well-Posedness for the cubic wave equation @2 t u��_u+u3 = 0 in R_R3, where the Cauchy data is in the Sobolev space Hs(R3)_ Hs��1(R3) with 13 18 < s ...
The Fourth-order Dispersive Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation: Orbital Stability Of A Standing Wave
Solução das equações de Saint Venant em uma e duas dimensões usando o Método das Características
(Universidade Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia, 2012)
Basing on the theory of the kinematics of the fluid is achieved via the Reynolds transport theorem, deductions required to obtain the Saint Venant equation in one and two dimensions, although such equations are linearized, ...
Condensation of classical optical waves beyond the cubic nonlinear schrodinger equationOPTICS COMMUNICATIONSOPT COMMUN
Teoria de Littlewood-Paley e o problema de Cauchy para a equação da onda cúbica
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Matemática - PPGM, 2010-07-08)
In this work, we study the result of well-posedness for the cubic wave equation
u + u3 = 0 in R3, due to H. Bahouri e J.-Y. Chemin, where the Cauchy data is in
the Homogeneous Sobolev space ̇H3/4(R3) × ̇H−1/4(R3). The ...
Wave propagation in magnetic media
(Facultad Experimental de Ciencias de la Universidad del Zulia, 2010)
Global well-posedness for two dimensional semilinear wave equations
(Universidad Nacuional de Colombia; Sociedad Colombiana de matemáticas, 2000)
We consider the initial value problem (IVP) for certain semilinear wave equations in two dimensions. It is shown that global well-posedness holds in spaces of lower regularity than that suggested by the energy space H1 x ...
Nonexistence of small, odd breathers for a class of nonlinear wave equations
In this note, we show that for a large class of nonlinear wave equations with odd nonlinearities, any globally defined odd solution which is small in the energy space decays to 0 in the local energy norm. In particular, ...