Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27
False memories, false foods: Eating, cooking, remembering in tastes like Cuba by Eduardo Machado
Pascual Soler explores the transition from the nation to the postnation through memories of food in the autobiography of the arrival of Cuban playwright Eduardo Machado in the USA in 1961, and his experience of exile. The ...
Caribbean Report 16-05-1997
(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-05-16)
There were further demonstrations in Haiti today which resulted in damage to property and vehicles. What began earlier this month as a strike by teachers soon escalated into protest against the government of Rene Preval. ...
Caribbean Report 11-02-1997
(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-02-11)
United States President, Bill Clinton, has been approached by Caribbean governments asking him to help avert a pending strike by American Airlines. They fear that the strike could have disastrous consequences for Caribbean ...
Los primeros directores de la Estación Experimental Agronómica de Santiago de las Vegas
(Instituto de Geografia Tropical (IGT), 2004)
En la historia de la Estación Central Agronómica de Santiago de las Vegas, primera institución de su tipo en Cuba e Hispanoamérica, existen tres hombres estrechamente ligados a ella, cuyas vidas resultan muy poco conocidas, ...
El Gral. San Martín y su gesta libertadora bajo la mirada del poeta cubano José MartíGeneral San Martín and his liberating achievement in the sight of the cuban poet José Martí
(Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Literaturas Modernas, 2017)
Caribbean Report 09-04-1997
(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-04-09)
In Petite Martinique tempers flare today over plans by the Grenada government to build a Coast Guard base there with US assistance. Next, the former Minister of Tourism in Jamaica is awaiting a verdict from the Director ...
Caribbean Report 29-04-1993
(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1993-04-29)
Trinidad and Tobago plans to ask the international community to forgive Port of Spain’s substantial debt in the region of 12 billion US dollars, allowing Trinidad to then write off the main part of Guyana’s debt of 509 ...
Caribbean Report 18-02-1997
(The British Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-02-18)
Dr. Cheddi Jagan discusses his future in the politics of Guyana. After talks between the Secretary of State, Medeleine Albright and ECU officials, American officials say that the EU’s dispute with Washington over Helms-Burton ...
Hispanic Ethnicity and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in the United States: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2013.
(Sociedad Médica Ecuatoriana de Neurología, 2018)
O Caribe Negro nos poemas de Nancy Morejón: um olhar para Cuba
(Universidade Federal da Grande DouradosBrasilFaculdade de Comunicação, Artes e LetrasPrograma de pós-graduação em LetrasUFGD, 2019)