Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 113
Acute and chronic effect of copper on levels of reduced and oxidized glutathione and nutrient uptake of tomato plants
Phytotoxicity due to copper (Cu) is generally associated with visible symptoms such as a decrease in plant shoot and root growth and chlorosis. The application of low levels of Cu or plant exposure to the metal for short ...
Application of a novel rGO-CuFeS2 composite catalyst conjugated to microwave irradiation for ultra-fast real textile wastewater treatment
(Elsevier, 2020-08)
The disposal of wastewater containing large amounts of dyes is a public health and environmental problem, due to its toxicity into the aquatic biota, the reduction in sunlight penetration, which consequently interference ...
(WILEY, 2009)
Pollution of soil with mine wastes results in both Cu enrichment and soil acidification. This confounding effect may be very important in terms of phytotoxicity, because pH is a key parameter influencing Cu solubility in ...
Simultaneous immobilization of metals and arsenic in acidic polluted soils near a copper smelter in central Chile
Introduction: Acidic and metal(oid)-rich topsoils resulted after 34 years of continuous operations of a copper smelter in the Puchuncaví valley, central Chile. Currently, large-scale remediation actions for simultaneous ...
Plantas de cobertura do solo e videiras: toxidez, fitorremediação e mecanismos de tolerância ao excesso de cobre
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilAgronomiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência do SoloCentro de Ciências Rurais, 2018-06-28)
The application of copper fungicides for the management of foliar diseases in grapevines (Vitis vinifera) increases copper (Cu) content in vineyard soils. This has been diagnosed in several traditional grape growing regions ...
Impact of mining contamination source on copper phytotoxicity in agricultural soils from central ChileImpacto de la fuente de contaminación minera sobre la fitotoxicidad del cobre en suelos agrícolas de Chile central
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Austral de Chile, 2021)
Effectiveness of nanoscale zero-valent iron for the immobilization of Cu and/or Ni in water and soil samples
(Nature, 2020-12)
In the last few years, the effectiveness of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) as a treatment for polluted waters and soils has been widely studied. However, little data are available on its efficacy for metal immobilization ...
An integrative approach to identify the impacts of multiple metal contamination sources on the Eastern Andean foothills of the Ecuadorian Amazonia
Currently, several concerns have been raised over metal contamination in the upper Amazon basin. Rivers that flow from the high Andes to the lowland Amazon are threatened by anthropogenic activities, which may, in turn, ...
Assessing the Tolerance of Castor Bean to Cd and Pb for Phytoremediation Purposes
(Springer Nature, 2020)