Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 617
Homeostasis in leaf water potentials on leeward and windward sides of desert shrub crowns: water loss control vs. high hydraulic efficiency
(Springer, 2013-03)
Phenotypic plasticity in morphophysiological leaf traits in response to wind was studied in two dominant shrub species of the Patagonian steppe, used as model systems for understanding effects of high wind speed on leaf ...
Vestibular crown relief measurement in normal occlusion arches
(Facultad de Odontología, 2012)
Residual stresses in Y-TZP crowns due to changes in the thermal contraction coefficient of veneers
(Academy of Dental MaterialsWashington, 2013)
Objective. To test the hypothesis that the difference in the coefficient of thermal contraction
of the veneering porcelain above (˛liquid) and below (˛solid) its Tg plays an important role in
stress development during a ...
Phytophthora species associated with crown and root rot of apple in Chile
Phytophthora cactorum, P. cryptogea, P. gonapodyides, and P. megasperma were isolated from necrotic root and crown tissues or the rhizospheres of apple trees exhibiting typical symptoms of Phytophthora root and crown rot ...
Case Report: Crown Resorption in a Patient With Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa and Amelogenesis Imperfecta With LAMB3 Gene Mutations
Background: Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) corresponds to a series of conditions
characterized by extreme fragility of the skin and/or mucous membranes. Of the four
main types of EB, junctional EB (JEB) is the most associated ...
First report of crown rot caused by fusarium algeriense on wheat in Kyrgyzstan
(American Phytopathological Society, 2022)
Within-crown acclimation of leaf-level physiological and morphological parameters in young loblolly pine stands
(Springer, 2017-12)
Whether the plasticity of foliage within the crown is driven by light or height is still not well known, especially for small trees. The present study was conducted in two loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stands growing on ...
Electrocution risk for the endangered Crowned Solitary Eagle and other birds in semiarid landscapes of central Argentina
(Cambridge University Press, 2017-06)
High mortality by electrocution has been suggested to be the main factor behind the reduction of several birds of prey populations across the world. Almost nothing is known, however, about the impact of power lines on this ...
Electrochemical behavior of lithium intercalated in a molybdenum disulfide-crown ether nanocomposite
(2007 Elsevier Ltd., 2007-06-02)
A new nanocomposite, obtained from the intercalation of the cyclic ether 12-Crown-4 into MoS2, Li0.32MoS2(12-Crown-4)0.19, is described. The
laminar product has an interlaminar distance of 14.4A° . The electrical conductivity ...