Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 505
Exact scattering waves off nonlocal potentials under Coulomb interaction within Schrödinger's integro-differential equation
(Elsevier B.V., 2019)
© 2018 The Author(s) An exact solution for the scattering wavefunction from a nonlocal potential in the presence of Coulomb interaction is presented. The approach is based on the construction of a Coulomb Green's function ...
A special asymptotic limit of a Kampé de Fériet hypergeometric function appearing in nonhomogeneous Coulomb problems
(American Institute of Physics, 2011-02)
In the investigation of two-body Coulomb Schrödinger equations with some types of nonhomogeneities, the particular solution can be expressed in terms of a two-variable Kampé de Fériet hypergeometric function. The asymptotic ...
Loop Integrals in Three Outstanding Gauges: Feynman, Light-Cone, and Coulomb
We apply the negative dimensional integration method (NDIM) to three outstanding gauges: Feynman, light-cone, and Coulomb gauges. Our aim is to show that NDIM is a very suitable technique to deal with loop integrals, ...
Complementary romanovski-routh polynomials: From orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle to coulomb wave functions
We consider properties and applications of a sequence of polynomials Known as complementary RomanovsKi-Routh polynomials (CRR polynomials for short). These polynomials, which follow from the RomanovsKi-Routh polynomials ...
Coulomb screening correction to the Q value of the triple-alpha process in thermal plasmas
The triple-alpha reaction is key to 12C production and is expected to occur in weakly coupled thermal plasmas as encountered in normal stars.We investigate how Coulomb screening affects the structure of a system of three ...
Polinômios complementares de Romanovski-Routh e funções com ortogonalidade híbrida
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2019-03-01)
Consideramos propriedades e aplicações dos polinômios complementares de Romanovski-Routh e de funções definidas em [-1,1] que satisfazem uma ortogonalidade híbrida. Estas funções estão relacionadas com uma certa classe de ...
Treatment of the two-body Coulomb problem as a short-range potential
(American Physical Society, 2009-12)
The scattering wave function and the transition amplitude for the two-body Coulomb problem are written as power series of the Sommerfeld parameter. Making use of a mathematical study of the nth derivatives of Kummer function ...