Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5987
The generation and transfer of technology to support cotton production in the Caribbean. Cotton research and development project
(IICA, 1992)
Presents the cotton research and development project into a programme for research and development for West Sea Island cotton and the generation and transfer of technology in support of cotton production in the Caribbean.
Cotton Plants, Trinidad
(Davidson and Todd, Ltd., 2009-08-04)
A picture of cotton plants in a row with their bolls ready for harvesting. This might be the much sought after sea island cotton, a cotton of high quality grown off the coast of the United States and in the West Indies.
West Indies Silk Cotton Tree
A picture of a giant Silk Cotton tree with huge buttresses on its trunk going up to its massive branches.
Silk Cotton Tree, Trinidad
(Davidson and Todd, Ltd., Trinidad, 2009-07-16)
A picture of a giant Silk Cotton Tree.
Silk Cotton Trees, Trinidad
(Davidson and Todd, Ltd., Trinidad, 2009-07-16)
A picture of a pair of Silk Cotton Trees standing side by side.
Silk Cotton Tree, Trinidad
(Goodwille and Wilson Ltd., Trinidad, 2009-07-16)
A picture of a giant Silk Cotton Tree.
Silk Cotton Tree, Trinidad
(Davidson and Todd, Ltd., Trinidad, 2009-07-16)
A picture of a giant Silk Cotton Tree.
Silk Cotton Tree, Trinidad
(Davidson and Todd, Ltd., Trinidad, 2009-07-16)
A picture of a giant Silk Cotton Tree.
Identification of a new cotton disease caused by an atypical cotton leafroll dwarf virus in Argentina
An outbreak of a new disease occurred in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) fields in northwest Argentina starting in the 2009–10 growing season and is still spreading steadily. The characteristic symptoms of the disease included ...
Efeito do espaçamento e de Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner sobre Alabama argillacea (Hübner), Aphis gossypii Glover e inimigos naturais no algodoeiro
Some insects are important pests in cotton crops and can cause serious yield losses. Among them we can relate Alabama argillacea (cotton leafworm) and Aphis gossypii (cotton aphid), demanding, often, the use of control ...