Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 33
Pescadores e turistas em uma área marinha protegida: uma contribuição ao planejamento da Reserva Extrativista Marinha da Ponta do Corumbau, Bahia - Brasil
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais - PPGERN, 2005-06-10)
Marine-coastal areas in the South of Bahia State in Brazil has experimented environmental and social changes, related to the over-exploitation of the fishery stocks and to the overflow of carrying capacity of the bathing ...
Dinâmica litorânea e erosão costeira em Corumbau, litoral sul do estado da Bahia: uma avaliação utilizando o SMC-Brasil
(Instituto de GeociênciasUFBABrasil, 2018-10-24)
O objetivo geral da pesquisa que originou o presente Trabalho de Conclusão de
Curso (TCC) foi caracterizar a dinâmica de ondas e correntes costeiras na porção
Norte da Ponta do Corumbau, gerando modelos de propagação de ...
Use of the video transect method for characterizing the Itacolomis reefs, eastern Brazil
(Instituto Oceanogr??fico da USP, 2008-10)
Gender, tourism, and participatory appraisals at the Corumbau Marine Extractive Reserve, Brazil
The Corumbau Marine Extractive Reserve was created in a region of rich biodiversity, located in the South of Bahia State, Brazil, to meet the revindications of artisanal fishermen in a context of increasing predatory ...
Gender, tourism, and participatory appraisals at the Corumbau Marine Extractive Reserve, Brazil
The Corumbau Marine Extractive Reserve was created in a region of rich biodiversity, located in the South of Bahia State, Brazil, to meet the revindications of artisanal fishermen in a context of increasing predatory ...
Use of the video transect method for characterizing the Itacolomis reefs, eastern Brazil
(Instituto Oceanográfico da USP, 2008)
The video-transect method consists of a field survey performed with a video-camera along a line of fixed length, with the registered images further analyzed using a computer. This method was successfully applied in Brazil ...
Pol??ticas Ambientais nas Unidades de Conserva????o do Litoral Baiano: a Reserva Extrativista Marinha de Corumbau
(Universidade Federal da Bahia, Instituto de Geoci??nciasPrograma de P??s-Gradua????o em GeografiaUFBAbrasil, 2016-09-16)
Din??mica litor??nea e eros??o costeira em Corumbau, litoral sul do estado da Bahia: uma avalia????o utilizando o SMC-Brasil
(Instituto de Geoci??nciasUFBAbrasil, 2018-10-24)
Challenges and prospects of fisheries co-management under a marine extractive reserve framework in Northeastern Brazil
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2009)
In Brazil, Marine Extractive Reserves-MERs (Reservas Extrativistas Marinhas) represent the most significant government-supported effort to protect the common property resources upon which traditional small-scale fishers ...