Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 62
Cronologia e metamorfose da indumentária espartilho
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáApucaranaBrasilTecnologia em Design de ModaUTFPR, 2014-12-01)
The aim of this research is the analysis of the corset dress, addressing the metamorphic transformations occurred throughout history. The research aims to address the aesthetic and symbolic aspects and behavior of society ...
Interdisciplinary project Feeling the senses: Dressing as an experience
(Univ Politecnica Valencia, 2017-01-01)
The text provides a discussion of body and dress, to interact with the uncertainties and complexities of a multiple daily life, which is focused on tangible concerns and subjectivities in space. We highlight this experience ...
Presupuesto universitario: ¿un corset para la ciencia y la tecnología?
(Udelar. FCS-DS, 1991)
Rubens, Corsets and Taxonomies: A Response to Meek Lange, Rogers and Dodds
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2015-07)
In ‘Vulnerability in Research Ethics: A way forward, Margaret Meek Lange, Wendy Rogers and Susan Dodds (hereafter ‘the authors’) provide an interesting and valuable contribution to the conceptualization of vulnerability. ...
Patronaje y Confección - Alta Costura, Corseter - DM218 - 202102
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2021-08)
La asignatura de Patronaje y Confección Alta costura corsetería es una asignatura de especialidad de la carrera
de Diseño y Gestión en Moda, de carácter teórico - práctico dirigido a estudiantes del sexto ...