Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 691
Codified words
(Mídias Digitais para Matemática (MDMat), 2016)
Codified words
(Mídias Digitais para Matemática (MDMat), 2012)
Metastable electron-pair states in a two-dimensional crystal
(Institute of Physics - IOPBristol, 2014)
We study possible quantum states of two correlated electrons in a twodimensional periodic potential and find a metastable energy band of electron pairs between the two lowest singleelectron bands. These metastable states ...
Comportamento coordenado e individual em duplas de ratos sob esquema de intervalo variável
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia - PPGPsiCâmpus São Carlos, 2021-03-03)
The combined behavior of two or more individuals is subject to selection by the consequences of the environment, in the same way as individual operant behavior. Previous studies used an interdependence procedure to investigate ...
Energy-efficient precoded coordinated multi-point transmission with pricing power game mechanism
(IEEE Inst Electrical and Electronic Engineering Inc., 2017)
The coordinated multiple-point (CoMP) transmission technique recently has been considered as an efficient method to achieve energy-efficient cellular wireless communications and enhance cell-edge user performance. Conventional ...
Intralimb gait coordination of individuals with stroke using vector coding
(Elsevier B.V., 2019-12-01)
Individuals with stroke often present functional impairment and gait alteration. Among different aspects, intralimb coordination of these individuals is one of the key points that should be considered before implementing ...
Rufous horneros perceive and alter temporal coordination of duets during territorial interactions
Temporal coordination of duets consists of nonrandom overlap, alternation or association between rhythms of acoustic elements. Since duet coordination presumably requires high attentiveness between signallers, the coalition ...
Prospect on intergalactic magnetic field measurements with gamma-ray instruments
(International Astronomical UnionBeijing, 2012)
Observing high-energy gamma-rays from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) offers a
unique potential to probe extremely tiny values of the intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF), a
long standing question of astrophysics, astropa
rticle ...
Prospect on intergalactic magnetic field measurements with gamma-ray instruments
(International Astronomical UnionBeijing, 2013)
Observing high-energy gamma-rays from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) offers a unique potential to probe extremely tiny values of the intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF), a long standing question of astrophysics, astroparticle ...
Comment on 'Quantum anharmonic oscillator plus delta-function potential: A molecular view of pairing formation and breaking in the coordinate space'
(IOP Publishing, 2021-09)
We analyze a recent discussion of one-dimensional quantum-mechanical models with a perturbation produced by a delta-function potential. We show that the authors failed to derive a correct transcendental equation for the ...