Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7662
Instituciones Fiscales, hacia un monitoreo, supervisión y control efectivos. Las agencias fiscales independientes y el caso argentino
Las tendencias a los déficits fiscales recurrentes y crecimiento del endeudamiento han sido problemas que han captado la atención a lo largo de mucho tiempo. Desde distintas disciplinas se han planteado posibles soluciones.
En ...
Aspectos sustanciales de la responsabilidad fiscal en Colombia
The present article’s objective is to assess the substantive element of Fiscal Responsibility, which is founded on the basic conditions required for the application of fiscal control. In the contemporary world the application ...
Fiscal responsability in ColombiaResponsabilidad fiscal en ColombiaResponsabilidade fiscal in Colômbia
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2012)
Desempenho fiscal e os impactos sobre as responsabilidades fiscal e social nos estados e regiões brasileirasTexto para Discussão (TD) 1323: Desempenho fiscal e os impactos sobre as responsabilidades fiscal e social nos estados e regiões brasileirasFiscal performance and the impact on the fiscal and social responsibilities in the states and regions of Brazil
(Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea), 2013)
Fiscal ResponsabilityResponsabilidad fiscalResponsabilidade fiscal
(Universidad del Rosario, 2010)
This paper analyses "Fiscal Responsibility," a mechanism devised in a new way by the 1991's new constitution, as part of its power controls system, aimed at the integrity of public money in order to assure its legal ...
Análisis del nuevo régimen de control fiscal en Colombia introducido por el acto legislativo 04 de 2019
(Universidad del MagdalenaFacultad de HumanidadesDerecho, 2023)
Cumplimiento de las condiciones básicas para el ejercicio del control fiscal en Colombia
The present article has as object to evaluate the degree of fulfilment of the required basic conditions for the exercise of the fiscal control in the Colombian case, that is to say, the guarantees of independence of the ...
Efeitos da implantação do Sped Fiscal nos controles internos do setor fiscal
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2015-11-19)
The Fiscal Sped is a project that is part of the Federal Government's Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) that based on the integration of state tax authorities, by standardizing, streamlining and sharing of accounting and ...