Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 17511
The use of nonparametric contrasts in one-way layouts and random block designs
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2005-04-01)
Nonparametric simple-contrast estimates for one-way layouts based on Hodges-Lehmann estimators for two samples and confidence intervals for all contrasts involving only two treatments are found in the literature.Tests for ...
The use of nonparametric contrasts in one-way layouts and random block designs
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2005-04-01)
Nonparametric simple-contrast estimates for one-way layouts based on Hodges-Lehmann estimators for two samples and confidence intervals for all contrasts involving only two treatments are found in the literature.Tests for ...
Contrastive analysis for scatterplot-based representations of dimensionality reduction
Cluster interpretation after dimensionality reduction (DR) is a ubiquitous part of exploring multidimensional datasets. DR results are frequently represented by scatterplots, where spatial proximity encodes similarity among ...
The use of nonparametric contrasts in one-way layouts and random block designs
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014)
Estructuras comparadas - Contrastive Analysis 1
(Universidad de Belgrano - Fascículos - Carrera de Traductorado Público, Literario y Científico-Técnico de Inglés, 2009)
Introduction: On Comparing - Reading guideline questions: What is to compare? What can be compared? Why is
comparison necessary? - Comparing languages may mean differentthings to different people. Some people
compare ...
Bulas de medicamentos alemãs e brasileiras em contraste: alguns resultados da análise linguísticaGerman and Brazilian package inserts in contrast: partial results of a linguistic analysis
(Universidade de São Paulo/Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas/Programa de Pós-Graduação em Língua e Literatura Alemã, 2012)
Na presente pesquisa foi desenvolvido um estudo linguístico contrastivo de textos de bulas de medicamentos da Alemanha e do Brasil com o objetivo de verificar a existência de diferenças e semelhanças entre eles. Para isso, ...
Contrast Enhancement and Illumination Changes CompensationMejora de Contraste y Compensación en Cambios de la Iluminación
(Computación y Sistemas, 2009)
Estructuras comparadas - Contrastive Analysis 2
(Universidad de Belgrano - Fascículos - Carrera de Traductorado Público, Literario y Científico-Técnico de Inglés, 2014-09-08)
3.0 Unit 3 The NounPhrase
In this unit some characteristics of NPs will be discussed. There is a section dealing
with movement inside the DP, another one on special uses of determiners and some
explanation on the ...
Polydimethylsiloxane: a new contrast material for localization of occult breast lesions
Background. The radioguided localization of occult breast lesions (ROLL) technique often utilizes iodinated radiographic contrast to assure that the local injection of (99m)Tc-MAA corresponds to the location of the lesion ...
When the non-contrast-enhanced phase is unnecessary in abdominal computed tomography scans? A retrospective analysis of 244 cases
(Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem, 2013-07-01)
Objective: To evaluate the necessity of the non contrast-enhanced phase in abdominal computed tomography scans. Materials and Methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional, observational study was developed, evaluating 244 ...