Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 167
Os impactos da CPRB no equilíbrio econômico contratual: os contratos de infraestrutura
O presente estudo busca analisar o impacto causado pelo regime da desoneração da folha de salários – com a instituição da Contribuição Previdenciária sobre a Receita Bruta (CPRB) em substituição à Contribuição Previdenciária ...
A fraude aos direitos trabalhistas do advogado empregado
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilFaculdade Nacional de DireitoUFRJ, 2020)
Regime diferenciado de contratações: uma análise de contratos em uma empresa pública
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2015-09-25)
The traditional model of public procurement, regulated by the General Law of Bids - LGL - is criticized. The government was faced with challenges involving actions to improve its infrastructure, given that Brazil was chosen ...
Definição do regime jurídico de licitação e contratos das empresas estatais: análise dos critérios dicotômico, concorrencial e modelo empresarial
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilDIREITO - FACULDADE DE DIREITOPrograma de Pós-Graduação em DireitoUFMG, 2019-08-21)
This dissertation seeks to analyze, in light of the 1988 Republic’s Constitution, whether the dichotomous criterion is determinant for the definition of the legal regime of bidding and contracts of the state-owned companies ...
Analise jurídica de empréstimos de equipamentos em contratos sob regime de empreitada na construção civil - um estudo de caso
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilEspecialização em Gerenciamento de ObrasUTFPR, 2015-03-30)
This paper presents a legal analysis of a supporting documentation created by the engineering department for equipment loans controlling. As well as maintaining a good track record of use, when happens cases of financial ...
Why do foreign oil companies continue to operate in exploration and production actitives in Bolivia´s hydrocarbon industry after its 2006 nationalization?
(Universidad de Chile, 2014-11-13)
This report explores the question: Why do foreign oil companies continue operate in exploration and production activities in Bolivia’s hydrocarbon industry after its 2006 nationalization?
The history of Bolivia’s hydrocarbon ...
Contribución del régimen de obras por impuestos de la ley n° 29230 en la eficiencia y ejecución de proyectos de inversión pública
(Universidad Nacional de TrujilloPE, 2015)
This research has investigated about the contribution of the regime of works by taxes of the Law N°. 29230 to the principles of efficiency, transparency and ethics in the implementation of public investment projects in the ...
Contribución del régimen de obras por impuestos de la ley n° 29230 en la eficiencia y ejecución de proyectos de inversión pública.
(Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2015)
This research has investigated about the contribution of the regime of works by taxes of the Law N°. 29230 to the principles of efficiency, transparency and ethics in the implementation of public investment projects in the ...
Aplicabilidad de las facultades excepcionales en la actividad contractual de Ecopetrol S.A.
(Universidad Santo TomásMaestría Derecho Contractual Público y PrivadoFacultad de Derecho, 2017)
The pact of exceptional clauses in state contracts has been the clearest manifestation of the prerogatives of public power of the State. The power entails the imposition unilaterally of the will of the Administration in a ...