Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 169
A precarização laboral presente no contrato de estágio e os contornos trazidos pela lei 11.788/2008
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilFaculdade de DireitoUFJF, 2018)
A construção discursiva do estágio e do estagiário em documentos de estágio da educação profissional técnica de nível médio
A Linguística Aplicada amplia as possibilidades de compreensão sobre a instituição escolar por meio dos estudos discursivos de documentos escolares. O tema trabalho e educação é abordado neste estudo pela perspectiva dos ...
Neoliberalism’s implications for early childhood education: an account of experienceImplicações do neoliberalismo para a educação infantil: um relato de experiência
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2017)
Pasantía como personal de apoyo en la Secretaría de Obras e infraestructura del municipio de Tibasosa
Due to the global problem of Covid -19, the following work is carried out where the experience is described in detail, activities developed in the time elapsed in the modality of the internship degree method, as a student ...
Apoyo al desarrollo y la gestión de proyectos de ingeniería empresa ASPRO S.A.S.
Below is the description of the internship supporting the development and management of engineering projects, executed at the company ASPRO S.A.S. which has its administrative headquarters in the city of Tunja, although ...
Pasantía Ejecutada En La Secretaría De Infraestructura Pública Y Movilidad Del Municipio De Tibasosa
The present work involves the development of the different activities carried out in the professional internship, as one of the degree options that the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Santo Tomás Tunja University ...
Pasantía “ Apoyo técnico en los contratos de interventoría de la empresa Kathosa Ltda."
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Ingeniería CivilFacultad de Ingeniería Civil, 2019-08-14)
The internship was made in Kathosa Ltda company. It is a Boyacense firm dedicated to the administrative, technical and financial supervision or interventory service, in engineering or architecture projects, guaranteeing ...
Pasantía apoyo en la supervisión técnica y práctica de obras asignadas por parte de Corpoboyacá-Subdirección de ecosistemas y gestión ambiental
The current internship report seeks to present the work done by the student in Corpoboyacá- Sub-Directorate of Ecosystems and Environmental Management, taking as an option the degree in the internship modality for a total ...
Pasantía empresarial cargo en área comercial de ARM Consulting
(Pregrado Ingeniería Civil, 2022-02-25)
During the author's internship period, in a civil works consulting and auditing company, issues related to public contracting of private companies with the state were recognized, consolidated, and mastered.
State ...
Pasantía : apoyo técnico, administrativo e ingenieril en la empresa CONALDE administradora cooperativa nacional de desarrollo de entidades territoriales
In the following work is exposed them activities made in the internship with the company CONALDE Administration Cooperative National of Development of entities territorial, cooperative dedicated to the provision of services ...