Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 22
Without a plan' but 'keeping on track': Views on contraception, pregnancy and abortion in Mexico City
(Taylor and Francis, 2011)
Despite increased use of modern contraception among Mexican women, there has been a significant increase in abortions. Little is known about the experiences behind these trends. This study examines decision-making around ...
Planejamento reprodutivo no Brasil: contracepção e a saúde biopsicossocial da mulherReproductive planning in Brazil: contraception and women’s biopsychosocial healthPlanificación reproductiva em Brasil: anticoncepción y salud biopsicossocial de la mujer
(Universidade Federal da Grande DouradosBrasilFaculdade de Ciências da SaúdeUFGD, 2022)