Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6100
Dimensões do consumo na vida social
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2010-12-16)
This work presents a reflection about consumption and consumer society, drawing a panel of the formation of consumer society and the transformations that characterize it in the modernity. For this, questions such as the ...
Empreendimentos em consumo sustentável: um estudo da atuação pública e política da sociedade civil organizada
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade - PPGCTS, 2011-02-24)
Modern society has assumed over the years a consumption behavior pattern incompatible with a limited resources planet. In response to the consumerism negative impacts initiatives emerges to promote different standards and ...
Social campaigns to encourage responsible fashion consumption
A fruitful line of research on responsible consumption has recently emerged due to a concern for and interest in environmental issues and the growing resource depletion, providing an opportunity for communications to ...
How are fans teams’ consumption behaviors impacted by their federations’ innovativeness perceived organizational legitimacy
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, 2020)
Fans’ consumption intentions towards their favourite teams’ products
and services are essential outcome variables for sport federations and
clubs. However, the factors that could affect these outcomes are not
yet clear. ...
Ideas and ironies of food scarcity and consumption in the moral economy of Tuta, Cuba
(Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford (JASO), N.S., 2009)
Cultural formation and consumption society – notes arising from an action researchFormação cultural e sociedade de consumo – apontamentos oriundos de uma pesquisa-ação
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2016)
An italian peculiarity? Psychoanalysis, modernization and the sociology of consumption in 1960s ItalyUma particularidade italiana? Psicanálise, modernização e sociologia do consumo na Itália dos anos 1960
(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, 2017-11)
Psychoanalysis experienced a remarkable boom in 1960s Italy. One of the areas where psychoanalytic theory disseminated was the world of marketing and the sociology of consumption. Based on the case of the sociologist ...
Language, consumption, and happiness: Jornalistic discourse and ambivalenceLinguagem, consumo e felicidade: Discurso jornalístico e ambivalência
The discussion about consumption, consumerism, and the discourse of happiness is associated with contemporary society. Based on Critical Discourse Analysis, we analyzed two journalistic texts published in Brazil in 2013, ...
Court, tea and vote: consumption as political arenaA corte, o chá e o voto: o consumo como arena política
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2015)