Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 30850
A mediação da informação,comunicação e educação na construção do conhecimento
Abordagem sobre a mediação da informação, comunicação e educação no processo de construção do conhecimento, por meio das tecnologias, ambientes e agentes sociais envolvidos na transmissão da informação e na
interação a ...
Appropriation of information, knowledge construction and the role of mediator
Knowledge construction is a complex process in which the widespread use of the term information is not, by itself, sufficient to cover its nuances. This leads to a host of discussions of the importance of appropriation of ...
Early childhood education and teacher training: a reflection on teaching knowledge
(Univ Fed Sao Carlos, 2018-09-01)
This work had as objective to discuss the knowledge necessary to the practice of the teacher of basic education with emphasis on early childhood education. A review of specialized literature on three reflexive axes a) ...
Knowledge Management and the Construction Industry
Every day, companies generate new knowledge about their products, their customers and their processes, but in general this knowledge is lost because there are no appropriate mechanisms to capture, store and share this ...
Analysis of the Seven Dimensions of Knowledge Management in Organizations
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2014)
Ubiquitous Mobile Knowledge Construction in Collaborative Learning Environments
Knowledge management is a critical activity for any organization. It has been
said to be a differentiating factor and an important source of competitiveness if this
knowledge is constructed and shared among its members, ...
Rituals and Knowledge Construction: Ethical Dilemmas on Creating Oppositions
What is knowledge construction for? Mesopotamian rituals were practiced in order to grasp the future and guide war strategies. Nowadays, scientific rules are developed to avoid mysticism-constructing more accurate laws to ...
A construção do conhecimento organizacional segundo a abordagem da semiótica peirceana
Objective. To present an initial contribution of the explanation of Peirceana Semiotics on the process of knowledge construction in organizations. Method. In the study we used the exploratory research with the support of ...
Exploring hashtags collaboratively to facilitate learning and knowledge construction
(IEEE, 2018)
In the era of mobile learning and digital native
students, concepts like seamless learning, situated learning and
rhizomatic learning gain importance as the current technology
is able to support them by developing new ...