Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1137
A 2D boundary element formulation to model the constitutive behavior of heterogeneous microstructures considering dissipative phenomena
A boundary element formulation to obtain the constitutive response of heterogeneous microstructures is proposed, considering a RVE-based multiscale theory. The sub-region technique is adopted to model the RVE (Representative ...
Analysis of the constitutive response of heterogeneous materials by the boundary element method, considering different RVE microstructuresAnálise da resposta constitutiva de materiais heterogêneos pelo método dos elementos de contorno, considerando-se diferentes microestruturas para o EVR
Numerical analyses to model the constitutive response of heterogeneous materials by a Boundary Element Formulation, developed in the context of a RVE-based multi-scale theory, are performed. In this case, the material ...
A finite element analysis of some boundary value problems for a new type of constitutive relation for elastic bodies
(Springer, 2016)
Recently, there has been interest in the study of a new class of constitutive relation, wherein the
linearized strain tensor is assumed to be a function of the stresses. In this communication, some boundary
value problems ...
Solutions of some boundary value problems for a class of constitutive relations for non-linear elastic bodies that is not Green elastic
Several boundary value problems are solved for a new class of constitutive equation, where the left Cauchy-Green stretch tensor is given as a non-linear function of the Cauchy stress tensor. Some constitutive inequalities ...
Computation of moments and stresses in laminated composite plates by the boundary element method
(Elsevier Sci LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2011)
On a new class of electro-elastic bodies. II. Boundary value problems
In part I of this two-part paper, a new theoretical
framework was presented to describe the response
of electro-elastic bodies. The constitutive theory that
was developed consists of two implicit constitutive
relations: ...
Three-dimensional solidification with two possible crystallization states: Existence of solutions with flow in the melt
(John Wiley & Sons LtdChichesterInglaterra, 2010)
A boundary element formulation to perform elastic analysis of heterogeneous microstructures
A BEM formulation to perform elastic analysis of heterogeneous microstructures is proposed in the context of multi-scale analysis. The microstructure, also denoted as RVE (Representative Volume Element), is modeled as a ...
On the coupling of local discontinuous Galerkin and boundary element methods for nonlinear exterior transmission problems
In this paper, we apply the coupling of local discontinuous Galerkin and boundary element methods to solve a class of non-linear exterior transmission problems in the plane. As a model, we consider a non-linear elliptic ...