Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 604
Constitutional government: Locke, second treatise, 1-5 [Introduction to political philosophy]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2016)
Constitutional government: Locke, second treatise, 1-5 [Introduction to political philosophy]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2011)
Administração pública em juízo: o patrimonialismo como óbice ao princípio da eficiência
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2011-12-21)
This review studies the Public Administration in court in a Democratic State-of-Law. Therefore, it seeks to analyze the rule of law in three stages: Liberal, Social and Democratic. It aims the primacy of each organic power ...
Administração pública em juízo: o patrimonialismo como óbice ao princípio da eficiência
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2011-12-21)
This review studies the Public Administration in court in a Democratic State-of-Law. Therefore, it seeks to analyze the rule of law in three stages: Liberal, Social and Democratic. It aims the primacy of each organic power ...
As decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre competência legislativa em matéria de licitações: existe uma definição do que são normas gerais e específicas?
Article 22, item XXVII, of Brazilian Federal Constitution, foresees that the Federal Government has the exclusive power to legislate on general rules for all types of bidding and public procurement. However, in parallel ...
El carácter normativo del Estado social de derecho en Colombia
(Universidad IcesiFacultad Derecho y Ciencias SocialesDerecho, 2002-01-01)
In the field of rights we found within the Colombian history two concerning; the Constitution of 1886, which incorporated the universal trend to recognize constitutional guarantees through the Rule of Law. For its part, ...
Estado de derecho, responsabilidad política y buena gobernabilidadThe Rule of Law, Political Responsibility and Good Government
(Universidad del Rosario, 2010)
The article presents a critical account regarding various themes relevant to current Colombian constitutional debate arising from reforms to the 1991 Constitution that have been a risen in recent years. The author illustrates ...