Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 151
Constantine Christian Emperor - Roman Emperor
(Wiley, 2020)
This article deals with the problem of the imperial intervention of the emperor Constantine in Church matters and proposes a reconsideration of the active measures that he takes to favour the Christian Church. The paper ...
The Legend of Euphratas: Some notes on Its origins, development, and significance
(Dumbarton Oaks, 2020-12)
The mysterious Euphratas, as G. Dagron has called him, is a literary figure who features prominently in the Byzantine legend of Constantine the Great. He would have emerged during the ninth or tenth century -precisely the ...
(INTECH, 2011)
The Eulerian-Lagrangian formulation of the (inviscid) Euler dynamics in terms of advected
Weber-Clebsch potentials (Lamb, 1932), was extended by Constantin to cover the viscous
Navier-Stokes dynamics (Constantin, 2001). ...
Issues of Temporality - Paradoxes and Challenges of Modern Heritage INTRODUCTION TO THE SESSION
(Wiley, 2008)
This article deals with the problem of the imperial intervention of the emperor Constantine in Church matters and proposes a reconsideration of the active measures that he takes to favour the Christian Church. The paper ...
Constantino I y la santidad imperial: construcción y rol político de la figura de “San Constantino”Constantine I and imperial sanctity: construction and political role of the figure of “Saint Constantine”
(Universidad de Chile, 2013-11)
La figura de Constantino I, el primer emperador santo de la tradición Ortodoxa, continuó siendo aún mucho tiempo después de su muerte objeto de reformulaciones y reinterpretaciones literarias -en especial historiográficas ...
“Constitutum Constantini” y “Romgedanke”. La donación constantiniana en el pensamiento de tres defensores del derecho imperial de Roma: Dante, Marsilio de Padua y Guillermo de Ockham (1ra parte)“Constitutum Constantini” and “Romgedanke”. The Donation of Constantine in the Thought of Three Main Advocates of the Imperial Right of Rome: Dante, Marsilius of Padua and William of Ockham
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1982)
Non-Transfer of Materials between Plasmodia of Different Species of Myxomycetes
Until the relatively recent work of DANIELS & RuscH (1),
opinion differed (2) as to whether myxomycete plasmodia were
able to absorb materials in solution from their substrata or whether
they were obligately holozoic. ...