Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 9769
Symmetric consequence relations
(Univ Fed Rondonia, 2016-08-01)
We have developed investigations on a quite universal concept of logic in context purely set theoretic. In this article, we highlight the symmetric consequence relations as a particular and special case of consequence ...
Symmetric Consequence RelationsRelações De Consequência Simétrica
(Univ Fed RondoniaPorto Velho, 2016)
Logic TK: algebric notions from Tarski's consequence operator
Tarski presented his definition of consequence operator to explain the most important notions which any logical consequence concept must contemplate. A Tarski space is a pair constituted by a nonempty set and a consequence ...
Toward an operational framework for financial stability: 'fuzzy' measurement and its consequences
(Banco Central de Chile, 2010)
Confrontando propriedades lógicas em um contexto de lógica universal
This paper presents a definition of universal logic in a strictly settheoretic environment and compares logical and topological properties in this abstract environment. From these properties, we verify the etymology of the ...
A neighbourhood semantic for the Logic TK
The logic TK was introduced as a propositional logic extending the classical propositional calculus with a new unary operator which interprets some conceptions of Tarski’s consequence operator. TK-algebras were introduced ...