Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14108
Consensus in the search for areas of endemism
(Wiley, 2013-11)
For ambiguous data sets, methods to determine areas of endemism based on an optimality criterion may result in large numbers of candidate areas, and thus some kind of consensus technique is required to summarize those ...
Developing consensus measures for global programs: lessons from the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Hypertension research program
(BioMed Central, 2017)
BACKGROUND: The imperative to improve global health has prompted transnational research partnerships to investigate common health issues on a larger scale. The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) is an alliance of ...
Consensus in a fuzzy environment: a bibliometric study
In today's organizations, group decision making has become a part of everyday organizational life. It involves multiple individuals interacting to reach a decision. An important question here is the level of agreement or ...
Commodities consensus: Neoextractivism and enclosure of the commons in Latin America
(Duke University Press, 2015-01)
In this paper, we propose an approach to the debates about development and the intensification of the extractive model at four different levels.-First, I will present two general concepts that are the framework for my ...
A fully resolved consensus between fully resolved phylogenetic trees
(Funpec-editoraRibeirao PretoBrasil, 2006)
La Chine en Amérique latine, du consensus des matières premières au consensus de Beijing
(Editions Edk, 2015-12)
Au cours des dix dernières années, les changements productifs globaux et les transformations internes de la Chine ont consolidé le rôle de grande puissance technologique, productive, financière et militaire qu´avait acquis ...
Extraction of building roof planes with stratified random sample consensus
This paper describes a consensus-set estimation for building roof-plane detection using a stratified random sample consensus (sRANSAC) algorithm applied to point clouds acquired by laser scanning systems. The main idea is ...
Diversity control for improving the analysis of consensus clustering
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2016-09)
Consensus clustering has emerged as a powerful technique for obtaining better clustering results, where a set of data partitions (ensemble) are generated, which are then combined to obtain a consolidated solution (consensus ...