Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1136
Intergranular barrier height fluctuations in polycrystalline semiconductors
(Wiley-VCH, 2017-05)
The punctual character and random nature of the impurity positions in depletion regions lead to inhomogeneities that can significantly affect the potential intergranular barriers at polycrystalline semiconductors and, in ...
The diffusive transport of waves in a periodic waveguide
(AMER PHYSICAL SOC, 2012-01-19)
We study the propagation of waves in quasi-one-dimensional finite periodic systems whose classical (ray) dynamics is diffusive. By considering a random matrix model for a chain of L identical chaotic cavities, we show that ...
Generalized correlation functions for conductance fluctuations and the mesoscopic spin Hall effect
We study the spin Hall conductance fluctuations in ballistic mesoscopic systems. We obtain universal expressions for the spin and charge current fluctuations, cast in terms of current-current autocorrelation functions. We ...
Effects of intergranular barrier fluctuations on the electrical conductivity of polycrystalline semiconductors
(Elsevier Science, 2018-11-15)
We studied the influence of intergranular barrier fluctuations on the electrical response of 3D semiconductor polycrystals. We first computed with a numerical simulation model the dispersion in the intergranular barrier ...
Imaging and switching of Fano resonances in open quantum cavities
(American Physical SocCollege PkEUA, 2005)
Bending mode fluctuations and structural stability of graphene nanoribbons
(American Physical Society, 2013-04)
We analyze the thermal fluctuations of a narrow graphene nanoribbon. Using a continuum membranelike model in the harmonic approximation, we study the height-height correlation functions and the destabilization modes ...
Effects of intergranular capacitance and resistance dispersion on polycrystalline semiconductor impedance
(Elsevier Science, 2019-12)
In the present work we focused on the effects, often disregarded, of the intergranular barrier fluctuations on the total impedance of polycrystalline structures. These fluctuations come from the discreteness nature and ...
How does fire affect germination of grasses in the Cerrado?
Fire is a frequent disturbance in the Cerrado and is one of the major factors affecting vegetation structure and diversity. Fire events open gaps within the herbaceous layer and increase temperature fluctuation in the soil ...